Friday, July 31, 2009

TERKINI : Pilihanraya Kecil Lagi di Pulau Pinang !!!

Manusia yang merancang, TUHAN yang menentukan !!!

Setelah lebih 100 hari mengambil-alih tampuk pimpinan negara, Najib kini berdepan dengan satu lagi PRK !

Sebelum ini Najib berdepan dengan kekalahan tipis di Manek Urai, yang dikatakan "kemenangan semangat" Umno-BN sebenarnya tidak dapat menunjukkan kehebatan Najib. Ini disebabkan lawan sebenar Najib bukannya Tok Guru Nik Aziz atau PAS.
Lawan sebenar Najib yang mana telah menggugat kedudukan Umno-BN sejak akhir ini iaitu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Walaupun cuma dielakkan oleh Umno-BN untuk terlibat dalam PRK, namum Tuhan telah menentukan bahawa Najib perlu dan akan berdepan dengan satu lagi kegagalan.

Kini dengan kembalinya ADUN Pakatan Rakyat dari PAS bagi DUN Permatang Pasir, Pulau Pinang, Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan Abd.Rahman kerahmatullah di IJN KL pagi ini; memperlihatkan satu pertaruhan yang unik. Walaupun DUN ini diwakili calon PAS, namum ia berada di dalam kawasan Parlimen DSAI, Permatang Pauh.

Menurut sumber yang diperolehi berhubung kematian Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan,pengesahan telah diperolehi dari saudara terdekat almarhum dan Bendahari PAS Pusat, Dr. Hatta Ramli. Malumat itu juga telah mengesahkan bahawa sehingga berita ini diterbitkan, jenazah masih berada di IJN Kuala Lumpur.

Semuga rohnya disemadikan ditempat yang terpuji...Al Fatihah..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009



















Friday, July 17, 2009

Blog untuk Teo Beng Hock

Sebarang maklumat terkini boleh diikuti menerusi blog :

Terima Kasih.

Pak Lah Saran Kerajaan Mansuhkan ISA !!!

Dua minggu sebelum demonstrasi besar dirancang bagi membantah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), mantan perdana menteri meminta kerajaan menimbangkan untuk memansuhkannya.

Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata ISA memberi kuasa yang besar serta skop yang mungkin terlalu luas untuk pihak berkuasa menentukan apa yang boleh dianggap sebagai ancaman keselamatan, lapor Bernama.

"Sebagai (bekas) menteri dalam negeri, saya telah menandatangani banyak penahanan tanpa perbicaraan di bawah ISA dan dengan kerajaan hari ini ingin pula mengkaji semula keberkesanan serta impak ISA, saya berasa terpanggil untuk memberi pandangan ikhlas mengenai akta ini.

"Perlu ditegaskan bahawa Malaysia masih memerlukan suatu mekanisme penahanan pencegahan demi keselamatan negara kerana cabaran yang kita hadapi seperti ancaman keganasan yang merentasi sempadan menuntut perundangan yang membolehkan
kerajaan mengambil tindakan pencegahan," beliau dipetik berkata.

Abdullah mengulas isu ISA sewaktu berucap sempena majlis konvokesyen khas penganugerahan ijazah kehormat Doktor Falsafah Demokrasi kepadanya di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Sultan Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah berkenan menyempurnakan penganugerahan berkenaan.

Abdullah menambah, sama ada suka mahupun tidak, ISA sebagai suatu akta sudah dicemari dengan stigma sebagai unsur negatif kepada agenda pemerkasaan demokrasi negara dan untuk benar-benar melakukan pembaharuan, kerajaan perlu berani untuk
melangkaui kerangka lama dan membuka lembaran baru.

Abdullah dilaporkan berkata beliau percaya "kerajaan berani melakukan perubahan seumpamanya seperti memansuhkan ISA" sebagai satu petanda komitmen kepada agenda pembaharuan demokrasi negara.

"Inilah transformasi yang saya percaya rakyat harapkan kerana tindakan pencegahan itu seharusnya tidak mengorbankan kebebasan hak asasi manusia atau disalahgunakan untuk tujuan politik.

"Mungkin satu contoh adalah untuk menghadkan skop penahanan pencegahan kepada ancaman tertentu atau akta baru boleh dihadkan khusus untuk mencegah kegiatan keganasan sahaja sekaligus mengurangkan kemungkinan penyalahgunaan kuasa demi matlamat politik," katanya seperti dilaporkan.

Kelmarin, PAS menyeru ratusan ribu ahlinya agar menyertai demonstrasi membantah akta kontroversi untuk menyerahkan memorandum ke Istana Negara, 1 Ogos ini.

Parti itu juga mengarahkan semua ketua penerangan negeri dan peringkat kawasan menganjurkan ceramah dan mengedar risalah menggalakkan orang ramai menyertai Himpunan MANSUH.

Pada 13 Julai, Pemuda Gerakan secara terbuka menyatakan sokongan terhadap - dan turut serta dalam - demonstrasi itu yang dianjurkan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI), yang disertai pembangkang dan NGO hak asasi.

Pada 22 Jun lalu, GMI secara rasmi mengumumkan perhimpunan itu dengan mensasarkan jumlah "sekurang-kurang menyamai jumlah mereka yang menyertai perarakan anjuran Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih)", dua tahun lalu.

Pada perarakan ke Istana Negara pada November 2007, kira-kira 40,000 ribu orang turun bersama-sama dengan tokoh-tokoh pembangkang.

Tarikh 1 Ogos dipilih sempena 49 tahun ISA yang digubal sejak 1 Ogos tahun 1960.

Raja Petra comments on Teo's Death

A sad day for Malaysians

This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.

The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

When the Anti-Corruption Agency, now called the MACC, kidnapped the family of a police inspector, Malaysia Today raised the alarm. They had kidnapped the wife and child of a police inspector who had investigated a Chinese underworld boss on the instructions of a higher-up with the rank of ASP.

The inspector was just doing what his boss had ordered him to do, and that was to open a file and launch an investigation into the activities of the Chinese prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling syndicate. And this resulted in the detention of three syndicate bosses.

What the MACC wanted the police inspector to do was quite simple. They wanted him to change his report so that the three underworld bosses can be freed from detention.

And he would have to do that if he wants to secure the release of his family.

The police inspector refused to do that. Instead, he made a police report. And so did his wife. But nothing was done about the matter. The MACC officers were not arrested and dragged to court on kidnapping charges.

The MACC then leaked information to the media that they are investigating a very senior police officer, the Director of the CCD, for the crime of not declaring RM27 million worth of assets. The fact that MACC investigations come under the Official Secrets Act was not a hindrance. After all, the OSA is only used against opposition supporters and not against those who serve those who walk in the corridors of power.

Nevertheless, the Director of the CCD was finally not charged for not declaring RM27 million in assets. He was charged for using police property for his personal reasons, something that all government officers, ministers and politicians do blatantly every day of the week. But his real crime is that he detained several Chinese underworld bosses who control the prostitution, loan shark, drugs and gambling business all over Malaysia.

Then they arrested the lawyer who acted for the CCD Director. The MACC officers came to his office on the eve of Hari Raya and handcuffed him after roughing him up like one would do to an armed bank robber. To ensure that the lawyer suffered the greatest embarrassment this Hollywood-style arrest was done in full view of the entire office.

Malaysia Today wrote about all this. Malaysia Today not only wrote about all this but Malaysia Today repeated the stories again and again to make sure no one would say they somehow missed the story. But still nothing was done. No one denied the story. More importantly, no one did anything about what Malaysia Today revealed.

The MACC has been a tool of those who walk in the corridors of power for a long, long time. Officially, Barisan Nasional has 14 component members with Umno as the lead partner. Unofficially, Barisan Nasional has seventeen component members. The Election Commission is the fifteenth component member of Barisan Nasional, the Malaysian police the sixteenth, and the MACC the seventeenth. They all serve the interests of Umno and the Prime Minister.

The writing was already on the wall very much earlier. Alarm bells were wailing like banshees. But this was largely ignored. It was ignored because it was Malaysia Today that had triggered the alarm bells. Malaysia Today is not the most reliable source. It does not offer the best of information. What Malaysia Today dabbles in are rumours and innuendoes.

“Where is the smoking gun?” they ask. “Show me the body!” they demand. No gun, no body, then no crime has been committed.

Well, today, there is a body. It is the body of a most unfortunate Chinese opposition member who was arrested and tortured by the MACC officers. Yes, he was tortured. And he was tortured because the MACC wanted him to talk.

But he could not talk. He could not talk because there was nothing to talk about. The MACC wanted him to finger his comrades in the opposition. They wanted him to implicate his friends in the opposition for various crimes that the MACC alleges had been committed by those in the opposition.

He tried to explain that he is not being stubborn. He tried to explain that no crime had been committed. He tried to explain that he could not possibly implicate his comrades in the opposition for various crimes if these crimes are merely a figment of the MACC’s imagination.

So they continued to torture him. And he could no longer stand the torture. After all, he is not the macho type of man. He is but a gentle man who only wanted to get married this weekend. That was all that he wanted.

They threatened to kill him if he refuses to talk. With tears running down his cheeks he begged for mercy and pleaded with them not to harm him. They threatened to throw him off the top floor if he refuses to talk. Sobbing like a baby he went down on his knees and begged for his life.

They dragged him across the room and opened the window. Then something went terribly wrong. It was supposed to be just a threat. They just wanted to put fear in him. They did not really want to throw him off the top floor. They just wanted him to see what the ground floor looks like from the top floor.

The unfortunate young man panicked. He went ballistic when he saw the distance he would have to travel before hitting the ground floor. He struggled. They could not hold onto him. Gravity took over and the life of this young man was prematurely snuffed out.

The MACC then announced that they had released him the night before. They failed to announce that they had not released him from custody but released him from this world. Then they suddenly found his body the day after. He jumped. He committed suicide. He took his own life. He was never tortured. He was not dragged to the window with the threat that they would teach him how to fly.

This has been going on for far too long. The MACC acts like God. They kidnap families and torture those they arrest. They threaten those they interrogate with death if they refuse to talk.

And now one young man has really died. But no one will be punished. No one will be punished because they will say the young man took his own life. Why he took his own life no one knows. He was never tortured. He was never threatened with death. He was not made to look how far down the ground floor is. He was not accidentally dropped when he panicked and struggled and they could not get a good grip on him.

That is what they will be telling you and me later today.

Kematian PA Exco Selangor Penuh dengan Misteri ???

Dunia semalam terkejut lagi dengan 1 lagi kematian misteri rakyat Malaysia ! Teo Beng Hock, Setiausaha politik kepada Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah dijumpai mati di bumbung tingkat-5 Bangunan Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah di Shah Alam. Teo dibawa pada 6pm semalam ke pejabat SPRM itu sebagai saksi bagi membantu siasatan kes penyalahgunaan wang peruntukan DUN membabitkan beberapa ADUN Pakatan Rakyat negeri itu. Seperti yang didakwa pegawai SPRM, sesi siasatan yang melibatkan Teo berakhir pada 3.45am keesokannya. Namum Teo dikatakan masih kelihatan berada di bangunan itu sekitar 6am. Akhir sekali mayat Teo dijumpai terbaring di tempat kejadian pada 1.30pm. Kematian misteri ini telah menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi, antaranya seperti yang terlintas dalam otak saya : 1) kenapa Teo yang bertindak selaku saksi untuk kes 'penyalahgunaan kuasa' itu harus disoal-siasat sehingga 3.45am ??? Apakah kes itu begitu serius ??? Bukankah kes rasuah yang lain yang melibatkan ratusan juta Ringgit perlu diutamakan ??? atau siasatan ini bermotifkan politik dan berlandaskan unsur 'pilih-kasih' kerana ia melibatkan Adun Pakatan Rakyat ??? 2) Sesi soal-siasat terhadap Teo dikatakan berakhir pada 3.45am, kenapa Teo dilihat masih berada di dalam bangunan itu pada jam 6am ??? Padahal beliau mempunyai kenderaan sendiri dan kalau beliau dibenarkan pulang pada 3.45am, takkan beliau tidak pulang dengan segera ??? mungkinkah sofa/kerusi di pejabat SPRM begitu selesa sekali sehinggakan Teo tidak mahu beredar dari situ ??? 3) Sekiranya sesi soal-siasat Teo berakhir pada 3.45am, kenapa Teo masih terus berada di bangunan tersebut ??? Apakah ya tidak masuk akal ??? 4) Plaza Masalam itu tidak dilengkapi dengan CCTV seperti yang dilaporkan ??? 5) Seorang pemuda yang akan mendaftarkan perkahwinannya bersama bakal isterinya pada 17 Jul 2009 akan membunuh diri sehari sebelum pendaftaran itu. Tambahan pula, beliau dilihat begitu ceria dan sihat pada pagi 15 Jul 2009 (sebelum dibawa ke pejabat SPRM). Terlalu banyak misteri-misteri dalam kes kematian Teo dan rakyat Malaysia sedang menunggu laporan bedah-siasat mayat Teo dan isi-kandungan telekomunikasinya sebelum beliau terbunuh yang sudah pastinya akan menimubulkan lagi banyak persoalan !!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Keputusan rasmi PRK Manek Urai

Keputusan rasmi PRK Manek Urai

Calon PAS Mohd Fauzi Abdullah, seorang pemborong ikan, menang dengan majoriti "nyawa-nyawa ikan" sebanyak 65 undi.

PAS mendapat 5,348 undi sementara calon BN Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat mendapat 5,283 undi.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

不是毁猪场,而是搬猪场。吉打州华裔别受国阵媒体挑衅 !







Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Perbicaraan Liwat DSAI ditangguh ke 15 July

Oleh kerana Peguam Bela Utama DSAI, Sulaiman Abdullah masih tidak sihat; beliau tidak dapat menghadirkan diri di mahkamah. Hakim membenarkan penangguhan perbicaraan ke 15 July, Rabu depan setelah permohonan dibuat peguam bela DSAI YB Sivarasa.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jom ke Perhimpunan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA pada 01 Ogos 2009

Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA akan mengadakan Perhimpuanan besar-besaran di Kuala Lumpur pada 01 Ogos 2009.
Saya mengajak semua yang berminat untuk turut serta perhimpunan yang bertujuan membebaskan rakyat daripada akta zalim dan undemocratic yang diperalatkan oleh Umno-BN !!!

Ceramah Perdana Kembalikan Negara Hukum Dan Hak Rakyat


Tarikh: 8hb Julai 2009(Rabu)

Jam: 8.30 Malam

Tempat: Dewan Dato’ Ahmad Razali, Jalan Ampang


1) Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim

2) YB Azmin Ali

3) Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim

4) YB Sivarasa Rasiah

5) YB Zuraidah Kamaruddin

Sokong DSAI Besok di Mahkamah Jalan Duta

Perbicaraan kes liwat DSAI yang merupakan propaganda Umno-BN bagi menyekat kebangkitan DSAI & Pakatan Rakyat akan bermula jam 9.00am, 08 Julai 2009 bertempat di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. .

Saya menyeru kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia datang ke Mahkamah Tinggi pada hari esok bagi menyokong DSAI yang innocent dan diaibkan dengan tuduhan keji itu