1、Pak Lah, Najib And Sami Vellu 同坐直升機巡視。
Sami Vellu 說:'如果我丟一千塊下去,撿到那一個人一定很高興。'
Najib 說:'如果我丟兩張五百元下去,那就有兩個人很高興了。'
Pak Lah 說:'如果我丟十張一百元下去,就有十個人很高興了。'
這個時候 ........
2、Sami Vellu 希望提高自己的聲望,想要發行一款有自己肖像的郵票.....
發行過了一個多月之後,Sami Vellu 想要問看看視察看看銷路如何.....
Sami Vellu : '銷售情形怎麼樣?'
郵政總局局長:'還算不錯,只不過常常有人抱怨黏不牢!Sami Vellu : '怎麼會呢?' Sami Vellu 隨手拿了一張郵票,塗了一點口水在郵票背面,便試貼在信封上 ....
Sami Vellu :' 這樣不是黏得很緊嗎?'
郵政總局局長: '可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊 ......'
3、深夜,Najib 去買宵夜,結果在路上遇到搶匪 …
搶匪拿著槍指著 Najib 說:' 把身上的錢交出來!'
Najib 勃然大怒說:'你這什麼態度?我可是堂堂Prime Minister 耶!'
搶匪:'喔,那……把我的錢還來。 '
4、某天,Prime Minister 、Parliment members...等大官一起參加一個會議,結果發生連環車禍,送至醫院急救,記者們聞風趕至醫院....
稍久,醫生出來了,記者忙著問'醫生!醫生!Prime Minister 有救嗎?'
醫生沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ..Prime Minister 沒救了...'
記者又問:'醫生!醫生!Najib 有救嗎?'
醫生又沮喪的搖搖頭說:'唉 ...也沒救了...'
記者就問:'那 ...到底誰有救?'
醫生精神一振說: 'Malaysia 有救了!'
5、有一天Sami Vellu 往某家精神病院視察,所有的病人都站在走廊上高聲歡呼,
Sami Vellu 萬歲!Sami Vellu 萬歲!
只有一名病人面無表情,對Sami Vellu 不理不睬。
Sami Vellu 看到了,問院長說:'那位病人為什麼不對我歡呼呢?'
6、一輛競選車載著Sami Vellu 競選團隊開到鄉村去造勢,不幸在山間小路上翻車。
警察趕緊追問:'他們都死了嗎? '
老農回答說:'嗯…,我看到Sami Vellu 在我埋他的時候大叫說他還沒死。'
老農說:'你知道的嘛? 這個Sami Vellu 從不說實話。
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
"壮大公正:布城执政" - "民联领袖与您有约"千人宴
续首场六月五日“壮大公正:布城执政“千人宴以出席者超过1,150人成功圆满举办后,吉中公正队将于二零一零年八月七日再举办"壮大公正:布城执政" - "民联领袖与您有约"千人宴。
此次千人宴目标为1,500人. 晚宴票价为马币30.00, VIP票价为RM300.00
有意购买者可致电Steven, 012-5009088
1. Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
2. YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng
Naib Ketua Pasukan Keadilan Kedah Tengah.
此次千人宴目标为1,500人. 晚宴票价为马币30.00, VIP票价为RM300.00
有意购买者可致电Steven, 012-5009088
1. Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
2. YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng
Naib Ketua Pasukan Keadilan Kedah Tengah.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bodoh Sombong
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s father is one example of an English language teacher from India who came to Malaya and eventually married a Malay woman, resulting in the birth of Dr Mahathir.
Many Indian and Chinese immigrants married in Malaya, sometimes to fellow Indians and Chinese and sometimes to local Malays (that is why many Malays look more Indian and Chinese compared to their Indonesian cousins). And understandably they sired children born in Malaya. And these local born sons and daughters of the immigrants are those Malaysian Indians and Chinese of today, many who have never stepped foot in India or China since the day they were born.
Their parents and grandparents (some are third or fourth generation Malaysians while some, like the Melaka Chinese, have been ‘locals’ since 500 years ago) came to Malaya to serve the country and died in this country. And some of these ‘immigrants’ have been in the country longer than even Malays who are only second or third generation Malaysians.
The question of who came first is an arguable issue. There are Indians and Chinese who have been in Malaysia for hundreds of years and there are Malays who have been in the country less than 100 years. Nevertheless, this article is not to argue about who is more Bumiputera — the Malays, Indians or Chinese.
Everyone — Malays, Indians and Chinese alike — are sons and daughters of immigrants. It would be very difficult to dissect the three different races based on generalising. You would have to look at it on a case-to-case basis. My family came to Malaya in the mid-1700s. Tian Chua’s family came to Malaya much earlier than that. Dr Mahathir and Khir Toyo are merely second generation Malaysians although one became the Prime Minister and the other the Chief Minister of a State.
Okay, the purpose of this article is not to argue who is more Bumiputera as we can argue till the cows come home and will never reach a consensus. What I want to talk about is who has served this country and, therefore, can be considered a true patriot.
The railway, roads, bridges and buildings, right up to maybe the 1980s or so (that means for more than 100 years), were built by the Indians and Chinese (not the Malays). I still remember even as recent as the 1970s when Indians would work in the hot sun building the roads and laying the railway lines. They also worked in the estates and plantations. And the same goes for the tin mines and the construction industry, which were mainly a Chinese affair. And many died. There were numerous cases where entire Chinese communities were wiped out by disease and war and they had to bring in fresh loads of Chinese workers from China to replace those who had died. And the living conditions of these workers were pathetic. Trust me when I say detention under the Internal Security Act in Kamunting is luxurious compared to what these Indians and Chinese had to endure.
The Malayan civil service, legal system, education system, and whatnot, depended on the English educated Indians brought in from India. It was not until the 1920s or so, when the immigration policy was tightened, that the Malays were educated enough to start filling the ranks of the civil service. Even by the time of Merdeka the country still depended on the immigrants because there were not enough educated Malays to serve the country.
And almost all these people died in this country (only some went home to die) and their Malaysian-born children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are those Indians and Chinese you see in the country today.
To sum up: this country was built by the non-Malays. What we see today is the result of the contribution by the non-Malays. Initially, Malaya’s economy depended on rubber and tin, long before we had factories and heavy industries. And it was because we had immigrant Indians and Chinese is why we saw a thriving rubber and tin industry. If not because of rubber and tin, Malaysia would be amongst the poorest countries in this world.
Then we had three wars - the Second World War, the Malayan Emergency, and the Konfrantasi with Indonesia. And not just Malayans, but many foreign ‘Mat Salleh’ (white skins), as well as Africans, Fijians, Gurkhas, Indians, Punjabis, Bengalis, and many more, died in these wars. Of course, Malays died as well. But Malays were not the only ones who died in these three wars.
But is the contribution of these patriots ever remembered? The Malays scream, rant and rave that this is a Malay country. They declare that this is Tanah Melayu (Malay land). But we might not even have a country, at least not in the form that we see it now, if not for the fact that many not of Malay origin laid down their lives for this country. If the non-Malays, including the ‘Mat Salleh’, had not died for this country, Malaysia would no longer be an independent nation but just a small province of Indonesia.
When Malays talk about dying for your country, they just look at the three wars. But the death toll for these wars does not even come close to the death toll of those who died serving this country in other ways. Some died defending the country in wars. But many more died in the effort to build this country to what it is today. And many also died of mere old age after serving this country their entire life and then retired here as citizens.
But how do we repay these patriots or children and grandchildren of patriots not of Malay origin? We insult them. We threaten them. We discriminate against them. We oppress them. We persecute them. We treat them as second-class citizens. We refuse to recognise the patriotic contribution of their parents, grandparents or great grandparents in defending this country and in building this country to what it is today.
So these people feel hurt. So they feel that the sacrifices and contribution of their forefathers are not remembered and appreciated. So they decide to leave the country and go to another country that can better-appreciate their talents and skills instead of threatening and subjecting them to screams of “go back to your own country”.
Who are the traitors here? Are the traitors those who hijrah in search of a better life like what the Prophet Muhammad did? Or are the traitors those who ignore the patriotic contribution of Malayans from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s?
The Umno Ministers should be made to pass a history test before they can be appointed as Ministers. And they should also be made to pass a lie detector test every time they make a statement. As the Malays would say: bodoh (stupid) is bad enough. Bodoh sombong (arrogantly stupid) is unforgivable. And Umno Ministers are just that — bodoh sombong.
Many Indian and Chinese immigrants married in Malaya, sometimes to fellow Indians and Chinese and sometimes to local Malays (that is why many Malays look more Indian and Chinese compared to their Indonesian cousins). And understandably they sired children born in Malaya. And these local born sons and daughters of the immigrants are those Malaysian Indians and Chinese of today, many who have never stepped foot in India or China since the day they were born.
Their parents and grandparents (some are third or fourth generation Malaysians while some, like the Melaka Chinese, have been ‘locals’ since 500 years ago) came to Malaya to serve the country and died in this country. And some of these ‘immigrants’ have been in the country longer than even Malays who are only second or third generation Malaysians.
The question of who came first is an arguable issue. There are Indians and Chinese who have been in Malaysia for hundreds of years and there are Malays who have been in the country less than 100 years. Nevertheless, this article is not to argue about who is more Bumiputera — the Malays, Indians or Chinese.
Everyone — Malays, Indians and Chinese alike — are sons and daughters of immigrants. It would be very difficult to dissect the three different races based on generalising. You would have to look at it on a case-to-case basis. My family came to Malaya in the mid-1700s. Tian Chua’s family came to Malaya much earlier than that. Dr Mahathir and Khir Toyo are merely second generation Malaysians although one became the Prime Minister and the other the Chief Minister of a State.
Okay, the purpose of this article is not to argue who is more Bumiputera as we can argue till the cows come home and will never reach a consensus. What I want to talk about is who has served this country and, therefore, can be considered a true patriot.
The railway, roads, bridges and buildings, right up to maybe the 1980s or so (that means for more than 100 years), were built by the Indians and Chinese (not the Malays). I still remember even as recent as the 1970s when Indians would work in the hot sun building the roads and laying the railway lines. They also worked in the estates and plantations. And the same goes for the tin mines and the construction industry, which were mainly a Chinese affair. And many died. There were numerous cases where entire Chinese communities were wiped out by disease and war and they had to bring in fresh loads of Chinese workers from China to replace those who had died. And the living conditions of these workers were pathetic. Trust me when I say detention under the Internal Security Act in Kamunting is luxurious compared to what these Indians and Chinese had to endure.
The Malayan civil service, legal system, education system, and whatnot, depended on the English educated Indians brought in from India. It was not until the 1920s or so, when the immigration policy was tightened, that the Malays were educated enough to start filling the ranks of the civil service. Even by the time of Merdeka the country still depended on the immigrants because there were not enough educated Malays to serve the country.
And almost all these people died in this country (only some went home to die) and their Malaysian-born children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are those Indians and Chinese you see in the country today.
To sum up: this country was built by the non-Malays. What we see today is the result of the contribution by the non-Malays. Initially, Malaya’s economy depended on rubber and tin, long before we had factories and heavy industries. And it was because we had immigrant Indians and Chinese is why we saw a thriving rubber and tin industry. If not because of rubber and tin, Malaysia would be amongst the poorest countries in this world.
Then we had three wars - the Second World War, the Malayan Emergency, and the Konfrantasi with Indonesia. And not just Malayans, but many foreign ‘Mat Salleh’ (white skins), as well as Africans, Fijians, Gurkhas, Indians, Punjabis, Bengalis, and many more, died in these wars. Of course, Malays died as well. But Malays were not the only ones who died in these three wars.
But is the contribution of these patriots ever remembered? The Malays scream, rant and rave that this is a Malay country. They declare that this is Tanah Melayu (Malay land). But we might not even have a country, at least not in the form that we see it now, if not for the fact that many not of Malay origin laid down their lives for this country. If the non-Malays, including the ‘Mat Salleh’, had not died for this country, Malaysia would no longer be an independent nation but just a small province of Indonesia.
When Malays talk about dying for your country, they just look at the three wars. But the death toll for these wars does not even come close to the death toll of those who died serving this country in other ways. Some died defending the country in wars. But many more died in the effort to build this country to what it is today. And many also died of mere old age after serving this country their entire life and then retired here as citizens.
But how do we repay these patriots or children and grandchildren of patriots not of Malay origin? We insult them. We threaten them. We discriminate against them. We oppress them. We persecute them. We treat them as second-class citizens. We refuse to recognise the patriotic contribution of their parents, grandparents or great grandparents in defending this country and in building this country to what it is today.
So these people feel hurt. So they feel that the sacrifices and contribution of their forefathers are not remembered and appreciated. So they decide to leave the country and go to another country that can better-appreciate their talents and skills instead of threatening and subjecting them to screams of “go back to your own country”.
Who are the traitors here? Are the traitors those who hijrah in search of a better life like what the Prophet Muhammad did? Or are the traitors those who ignore the patriotic contribution of Malayans from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s?
The Umno Ministers should be made to pass a history test before they can be appointed as Ministers. And they should also be made to pass a lie detector test every time they make a statement. As the Malays would say: bodoh (stupid) is bad enough. Bodoh sombong (arrogantly stupid) is unforgivable. And Umno Ministers are just that — bodoh sombong.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Obama's silence over Sodomy II draws flak
From Malaysiakini.
The Obama administration's silence over the trial for sodomy of Anwar Ibrahim drew flak yesterday from the Washington Post, second only to the New York Times as the voice of the liberal establishment in America.
In an article on the subject, the Post gave a cogent reason why the Obama administration's silence is myopic given its stated policy of engaging with the Islamic world.
In describing Anwar, 63, as the "leading advocate of democratic reform as an antidote to Islamic extremism", the paper, a must read for movers and shakers in the Beltway, held that the Malaysian Opposition Leader was a "natural ally of the US".
The Post described as "suspicious" the circumstances in which Anwar's accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 25, had come to frame his charges.
"Two days before the alleged encounter, the man said, he met with Najib; the next day he phoned the national police chief. Before filing his complaint, he consulted with a close friend of Najib's wife," said the Post.
"When the accuser finally stepped forward, two days after the supposed sex, doctors could find no evidence of sodomy."
The Post said Prime Minister Najib Razak was being courted by the Obama administration as a useful ally in the fight against nuclear proliferation, and on Iran and Afghanistan.
According to the newspaper, Obama had not raised the issue of Sodomy II in a meeting with Najib when the latter visited Washington last month, a visit the Post said was hailed by Malaysia's pro-government media as an endorsement of Najib.
Apco's lobbying successful
This opinion of the paper provides oblique support for the theory that the lobbying of Apco Worldwide, some time communications consultant to the Najib administration, was useful in gaining the Malaysian PM a strategic assist in Obama foreign policy-making circles.
Anwar is being arraigned by the powerful rights and privileges committee for arguments he made about the role of Apco in speeches in Malaysia's Parliament in March.
The Post contrasted the Obama administration's silence with the attitude of the Clinton administration, whose vice-president Al Gore, had condemned the first sodomy trail in 1998.
The paper rounded off its report by calling Sodomy II an "ugly persecution".
Barack Obama's election to the US presidency in November 2008 was widely hailed as America's attempt to recover its stature in the world as advocate nonpareil of democracy and human rights after the aberrations of the Bush years.
But hardnosed observers of world affairs knew that the tests of whether he would drape US foreign policy with the mantle of idealism or resort to raison d'etat when it is expedient remained to be seen.
The Obama administration's silence over the trial for sodomy of Anwar Ibrahim drew flak yesterday from the Washington Post, second only to the New York Times as the voice of the liberal establishment in America.
In an article on the subject, the Post gave a cogent reason why the Obama administration's silence is myopic given its stated policy of engaging with the Islamic world.
In describing Anwar, 63, as the "leading advocate of democratic reform as an antidote to Islamic extremism", the paper, a must read for movers and shakers in the Beltway, held that the Malaysian Opposition Leader was a "natural ally of the US".
The Post described as "suspicious" the circumstances in which Anwar's accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 25, had come to frame his charges.
"Two days before the alleged encounter, the man said, he met with Najib; the next day he phoned the national police chief. Before filing his complaint, he consulted with a close friend of Najib's wife," said the Post.
"When the accuser finally stepped forward, two days after the supposed sex, doctors could find no evidence of sodomy."
The Post said Prime Minister Najib Razak was being courted by the Obama administration as a useful ally in the fight against nuclear proliferation, and on Iran and Afghanistan.
According to the newspaper, Obama had not raised the issue of Sodomy II in a meeting with Najib when the latter visited Washington last month, a visit the Post said was hailed by Malaysia's pro-government media as an endorsement of Najib.
Apco's lobbying successful
This opinion of the paper provides oblique support for the theory that the lobbying of Apco Worldwide, some time communications consultant to the Najib administration, was useful in gaining the Malaysian PM a strategic assist in Obama foreign policy-making circles.
Anwar is being arraigned by the powerful rights and privileges committee for arguments he made about the role of Apco in speeches in Malaysia's Parliament in March.
The Post contrasted the Obama administration's silence with the attitude of the Clinton administration, whose vice-president Al Gore, had condemned the first sodomy trail in 1998.
The paper rounded off its report by calling Sodomy II an "ugly persecution".
Barack Obama's election to the US presidency in November 2008 was widely hailed as America's attempt to recover its stature in the world as advocate nonpareil of democracy and human rights after the aberrations of the Bush years.
But hardnosed observers of world affairs knew that the tests of whether he would drape US foreign policy with the mantle of idealism or resort to raison d'etat when it is expedient remained to be seen.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Zaid Ibrahim, Calon Pakatan Rakyat pada PRK Hulu Selangor
Pimpinan Tertinggi PKR hari memutuskan untuk memilih Dato' Zaid Ibrahim sebagai calon bagi Pilihanraya Kecil Hulu Selangor.
Biro Politik PKR yang bermesyuarat din kediaman DSAI pagi tadi telah membuat keputusan itu setelah mempertimbangkan segala aspek termasuk aspek calon BN yang diwar-warkan akan meletakkan timbalan president MIC, G.Palanivel.
Menurut sumber, keputusan Biro Politik PKR itu kerana beliau membawa peluang yang terbaik untuk memenangi PRK Hulu Selangor.
Pengumuman rasmi Zaid selaku calon dijadualkan pada malam ini oleh DSAI di ceramah dekat Serendah.
Biro Politik PKR yang bermesyuarat din kediaman DSAI pagi tadi telah membuat keputusan itu setelah mempertimbangkan segala aspek termasuk aspek calon BN yang diwar-warkan akan meletakkan timbalan president MIC, G.Palanivel.
Menurut sumber, keputusan Biro Politik PKR itu kerana beliau membawa peluang yang terbaik untuk memenangi PRK Hulu Selangor.
Pengumuman rasmi Zaid selaku calon dijadualkan pada malam ini oleh DSAI di ceramah dekat Serendah.
Pakatan Rakyat,
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Gugurkan kes liwat Anwar, Kesatuan Inter-Parlimen
Kes liwat yang melibatkan Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim kini mendapat perhatian Kesatuan Inter-Parlimen (Inter-Parliament Union, IPU), yang mengusulkan tujuh resolusi, termasuk menggugurkan kes ini dan melantik pemantau untuk menghadiri perbicaraan seterusnya.
Jawatankuasa Hak-hak Asasi Manusia dari Perhimpunan Antara Ahli-Ahli Parlimen Sedunia membuat pengumuman dalam perhimpunan yang diadakan di Bangkok, Thailand semalam, bahawa mereka sebulat suara mengusulkan resolusi ini kepada Governing Council.
Pengerusi jawatankuasa tersebut, iaitu Ketua Pembangkang Dewan Senat Filipina, Senator Aquilino Q Pimentel, Jr berkata, "Memandangkan kes liwat Anwar (gambar kiri) baru-baru ini dikritik secara umum sebagai cubaan untuk memusnahkan kerjaya politiknya", maka jawatankuasa ini mengusulkan:
Pertama, memberi prihatin terhadap tuduhan dan perbicaraan kes liwat yang baru, yang mana kelihatan sarat dengan "kecacatan" sebagaimana yang berlaku dalam kes liwat pertamanya beberapa tahun lalu, namun beliau telah dibebaskan kerana tidak bersalah;
Keduanya, dalam keadaan di mana dua laporan perubatan telah menunjukkan bahawa tiada kesan "tusukan" (penetration), maka ia tidak seharusnya dituduh sebermulanya, dan harus digugurkan sekarang;
Ketiganya, anggota barisan pendakwa raya dalam kes liwat yang pertama, iaitu Abdul Gani Patail (gambar kanan) yang dituduh mereka bukti palsu untuk menganiaya Anwar, kini terlibat dalam kes liwat yang kedua. Malah, barisan peguam pembela Anwar Ibrahim dilarang untuk mendapatkan bahan bukti, menyebabkan mereka gagal membuat persediaan untuk pembelaan;
Keempatnya, dalam kes ini, kedua-dua pihak mempunyai hak yang sama rata. Pembelaan dalam perbicaraan yang adil amat penting. Seandainya pembela tidak diberi ruang untuk menggunakan haknya, maka apa-apapun penghakiman adalah cacat.
Kelimanya, meminta agar Setiausaha mengaturkan agar pemantau menghadiri perbicaraan seterusnya.
Keenam, meminta agar Setiausaha menghubungi pihak parlimen Malaysia;
Ketujuh, menyeru agar jawatankuasa ini meneruskan siasatan kes ini, malah mengemukakan laporan dalam persidangan mesyuarat ke-123 yang akan diadakan pada Oktober tahun ini.
Tiga orang ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat yang menghadiri mesyuarat ke-122 ini adalah Hee Loy Sian (Petaling Jaya Selatan-PKR), Sim Tong Him (Kota Melaka-DAP) dan Senator Mumtaz bt Md.Nawi (PAS). Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan dari pejabat Hee Loy Sian, kesemua perwakilan meluluskan resolusi yang diusulkan di atas, dengan pendirian "reserved" Malaysia turut dicatatkan.
IPU ditubuhkan pada tahun 1889, adalah sebuah badan antarabangsa yang berpusat di Geneva, Switzerland, dengan matlamat untuk menjalin hubungan antara parlimen sedunia ke arah demokrasi dan keamanan.
Negara Barat menyokong Anwar
Pada 11 Februari 2010, lebih daripada 50 orang ahli parlimen dan Senator di Australia telah menulis surat untuk meminta supaya institusi kehakiman Malaysia menggugurkan kes liwat Anwar.
Selepas itu, John Kerry, Pengerusi Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Amerika Syarikat juga mengeluarkan kenyataan, menggesa agar Malaysia memberi perbicaraan yang adil kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau berkata, "Saya menyeru kerajaan Malaysia, terutamanya Perdana Menteri Najib untuk memastikan perbicaraan dan penghakiman yang adil terhadap Anwar."
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kecil Hal Ehwal Negara Luar Australia, Michael Danby turut menuduh bahawa institusi kehakiman telah dipergunakan untuk mengusir Anwar dari politik, malah menganggap tuduhan ini mengejutkan pendukung demokrasi Asia, kerana semua orang Malaysia dan pakar undang-undang mengetahui bahawa Anwar tidak bersalah.
Selain itu, bekas Perdana Menteri Kanada, Paul Martin juga bersuara untuk membela Anwar. Kelantangan suara masyarakat antarabangsa telah menambah tekanan kepada kerajaan Najib.
Jawatankuasa Hak-hak Asasi Manusia dari Perhimpunan Antara Ahli-Ahli Parlimen Sedunia membuat pengumuman dalam perhimpunan yang diadakan di Bangkok, Thailand semalam, bahawa mereka sebulat suara mengusulkan resolusi ini kepada Governing Council.
Pengerusi jawatankuasa tersebut, iaitu Ketua Pembangkang Dewan Senat Filipina, Senator Aquilino Q Pimentel, Jr berkata, "Memandangkan kes liwat Anwar (gambar kiri) baru-baru ini dikritik secara umum sebagai cubaan untuk memusnahkan kerjaya politiknya", maka jawatankuasa ini mengusulkan:
Pertama, memberi prihatin terhadap tuduhan dan perbicaraan kes liwat yang baru, yang mana kelihatan sarat dengan "kecacatan" sebagaimana yang berlaku dalam kes liwat pertamanya beberapa tahun lalu, namun beliau telah dibebaskan kerana tidak bersalah;
Keduanya, dalam keadaan di mana dua laporan perubatan telah menunjukkan bahawa tiada kesan "tusukan" (penetration), maka ia tidak seharusnya dituduh sebermulanya, dan harus digugurkan sekarang;
Ketiganya, anggota barisan pendakwa raya dalam kes liwat yang pertama, iaitu Abdul Gani Patail (gambar kanan) yang dituduh mereka bukti palsu untuk menganiaya Anwar, kini terlibat dalam kes liwat yang kedua. Malah, barisan peguam pembela Anwar Ibrahim dilarang untuk mendapatkan bahan bukti, menyebabkan mereka gagal membuat persediaan untuk pembelaan;
Keempatnya, dalam kes ini, kedua-dua pihak mempunyai hak yang sama rata. Pembelaan dalam perbicaraan yang adil amat penting. Seandainya pembela tidak diberi ruang untuk menggunakan haknya, maka apa-apapun penghakiman adalah cacat.
Kelimanya, meminta agar Setiausaha mengaturkan agar pemantau menghadiri perbicaraan seterusnya.
Keenam, meminta agar Setiausaha menghubungi pihak parlimen Malaysia;
Ketujuh, menyeru agar jawatankuasa ini meneruskan siasatan kes ini, malah mengemukakan laporan dalam persidangan mesyuarat ke-123 yang akan diadakan pada Oktober tahun ini.
Tiga orang ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat yang menghadiri mesyuarat ke-122 ini adalah Hee Loy Sian (Petaling Jaya Selatan-PKR), Sim Tong Him (Kota Melaka-DAP) dan Senator Mumtaz bt Md.Nawi (PAS). Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan dari pejabat Hee Loy Sian, kesemua perwakilan meluluskan resolusi yang diusulkan di atas, dengan pendirian "reserved" Malaysia turut dicatatkan.
IPU ditubuhkan pada tahun 1889, adalah sebuah badan antarabangsa yang berpusat di Geneva, Switzerland, dengan matlamat untuk menjalin hubungan antara parlimen sedunia ke arah demokrasi dan keamanan.
Negara Barat menyokong Anwar
Pada 11 Februari 2010, lebih daripada 50 orang ahli parlimen dan Senator di Australia telah menulis surat untuk meminta supaya institusi kehakiman Malaysia menggugurkan kes liwat Anwar.
Selepas itu, John Kerry, Pengerusi Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Amerika Syarikat juga mengeluarkan kenyataan, menggesa agar Malaysia memberi perbicaraan yang adil kepada Anwar Ibrahim. Beliau berkata, "Saya menyeru kerajaan Malaysia, terutamanya Perdana Menteri Najib untuk memastikan perbicaraan dan penghakiman yang adil terhadap Anwar."
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kecil Hal Ehwal Negara Luar Australia, Michael Danby turut menuduh bahawa institusi kehakiman telah dipergunakan untuk mengusir Anwar dari politik, malah menganggap tuduhan ini mengejutkan pendukung demokrasi Asia, kerana semua orang Malaysia dan pakar undang-undang mengetahui bahawa Anwar tidak bersalah.
Selain itu, bekas Perdana Menteri Kanada, Paul Martin juga bersuara untuk membela Anwar. Kelantangan suara masyarakat antarabangsa telah menambah tekanan kepada kerajaan Najib.
BN Government,
Current Issues,,
委任观察员聆听安华审讯 全球国会联盟吁撤肛交案
国会联盟的国会议员人权委员会(Committee of IPU On the Human Rights of Parliamentarians)在昨天于泰国曼谷举行的国会联盟会议上宣布,他们一致决定针对安华肛交案向国会联盟理事会(Governing Council)提出建议。
国会议员人权委员会主席菲律宾参议院在野党领袖皮门特(Senator Aquilino Q Pimentel, Jr)说“考虑到安华最近的肛交诉讼案,广遭批判为意图破坏安华的政治生涯”,因此,向理事会提出下列议案:
(三)涉及首宗肛交案审讯的检控团成员,即曾被指控为捏造证据陷害安华、当时的主控官而现任总检察长阿都干尼(Abdul Gani Patail),再度涉及第二宗审讯,而安华辩护律师团则被禁止取得有关证据以准备辩护;
出席第122届国会联盟会议的三名民联国会议员联署发表文告,他们是公正党八打灵再也南区(Petaling Jaya Selatan)国会议员许来贤、行动党马六甲市(Kota Melaka)国会议员沈同钦,以及回教党上议员孟塔兹(Mumtaz Md Nawi)。
国会联盟(Inter-Parliamentary Union)成立于1889年,是全球国会的国际性组织,总部位于瑞士日内瓦,其宗旨为各国议会间搭起沟通的桥梁,促进民主及和平。
过后,美国参议院外交委员会主席约翰克里(John Kerry)也发表声明,促马来西亚给予安华公平的审讯。他说:“我呼吁马来西亚政府,特别是首相纳吉确保针对前首相安华展开的法律程序公平和无私的裁决。”
澳洲国会外交事务委员会主席迈克丹比(Michael Danby)早前亦出奇地指摘马来西亚的司法系统被利用以将安华驱离政治,且说这项提控令亚洲的民主派大吃一惊,每一个马来西亚人和每个国际法律界的人士都知道安华是清白的。
此外,前加拿大总理保罗马丁(Paul Martin)亦就安华肛交案呛声,显见纳吉政府在这起案件中面对了极大的国际压力。
国会联盟的国会议员人权委员会(Committee of IPU On the Human Rights of Parliamentarians)在昨天于泰国曼谷举行的国会联盟会议上宣布,他们一致决定针对安华肛交案向国会联盟理事会(Governing Council)提出建议。
国会议员人权委员会主席菲律宾参议院在野党领袖皮门特(Senator Aquilino Q Pimentel, Jr)说“考虑到安华最近的肛交诉讼案,广遭批判为意图破坏安华的政治生涯”,因此,向理事会提出下列议案:
(三)涉及首宗肛交案审讯的检控团成员,即曾被指控为捏造证据陷害安华、当时的主控官而现任总检察长阿都干尼(Abdul Gani Patail),再度涉及第二宗审讯,而安华辩护律师团则被禁止取得有关证据以准备辩护;
出席第122届国会联盟会议的三名民联国会议员联署发表文告,他们是公正党八打灵再也南区(Petaling Jaya Selatan)国会议员许来贤、行动党马六甲市(Kota Melaka)国会议员沈同钦,以及回教党上议员孟塔兹(Mumtaz Md Nawi)。
国会联盟(Inter-Parliamentary Union)成立于1889年,是全球国会的国际性组织,总部位于瑞士日内瓦,其宗旨为各国议会间搭起沟通的桥梁,促进民主及和平。
过后,美国参议院外交委员会主席约翰克里(John Kerry)也发表声明,促马来西亚给予安华公平的审讯。他说:“我呼吁马来西亚政府,特别是首相纳吉确保针对前首相安华展开的法律程序公平和无私的裁决。”
澳洲国会外交事务委员会主席迈克丹比(Michael Danby)早前亦出奇地指摘马来西亚的司法系统被利用以将安华驱离政治,且说这项提控令亚洲的民主派大吃一惊,每一个马来西亚人和每个国际法律界的人士都知道安华是清白的。
此外,前加拿大总理保罗马丁(Paul Martin)亦就安华肛交案呛声,显见纳吉政府在这起案件中面对了极大的国际压力。
BN Government,
Current Issues,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Melayu korban ? Cina korban ? India korban ? Siapa dapat lebih ?
Dalam satu temubual bersama Al-jazeera, Racist Melayu, Ibrahim Ali dengan biadapnya mengeluarkan cakap-cakap kotor "Don't talk Shit" sebanyak 3 kali bagi menolak komen rakyat Malaysia yang berkaum Cina yang mendakwa mereka dipinggirkan atas dasar ketidaksaksamaan & ketidakadilan kerajaan.
Saya bersetuju dengan dakwaan Ibrahim Ali bahawa orang Melayu telah banyak berkorban ke atas bebefits yang sepatutnya mereka dapat. Kalau kita tanya kaum Cina & India, mereka juga berpendapat bahawa mereka juga banyak bertolak-ansur dan berkorban ke atas benefits yang mereka layak perolehi selaku seorang rakyat Malaysia.
Soalnya sekarang, masing-masing telah banyak berkorban ke atas benefits yang sepatutnya mereka perolehi. Jadi siapa sebenarnya yang memperolehi serta menyamun dan ragut harta negara ???
Saya bersetuju dengan dakwaan Ibrahim Ali bahawa orang Melayu telah banyak berkorban ke atas bebefits yang sepatutnya mereka dapat. Kalau kita tanya kaum Cina & India, mereka juga berpendapat bahawa mereka juga banyak bertolak-ansur dan berkorban ke atas benefits yang mereka layak perolehi selaku seorang rakyat Malaysia.
Soalnya sekarang, masing-masing telah banyak berkorban ke atas benefits yang sepatutnya mereka perolehi. Jadi siapa sebenarnya yang memperolehi serta menyamun dan ragut harta negara ???
Saturday, March 20, 2010
2010年6月5日 “壮大公正:布城执政” 千人宴
Thursday, March 18, 2010
例 如最近人民公正党共有三名国会议员退党,一名国会议员遭到开除,导致民主行动党国会议员人数以一席之差凌驾於人民公正党的27席之上,国阵领袖如巫统青年 团团长凯里(Khairy Jamaluddin)等人纷纷见缝插针,提出林吉祥应该当仁不让担任国会在野党领袖,离间民联三党关系。
同 时,人民公正党在3月6日正式开除频惹争议的居林万达镇(Kulim Bandar)国会议员朱基菲里诺丁(Zulkifli Nordin)一举,亦获得盟友支持。林吉祥告诉在场三党代表,2010年3月6日可以是今年最有意义的一个日子,因为,“民联,尤其是人民公正党坚定、 坚持清理门户!”
另 一方面,一向被视为两个极端的民主行动党与回教党在经过两年合作之後,有渐入佳境之感,除了去年五月武吉干当(Bukit Gantang)国会议席补选,民主行动党积极为回教党籍的候选人尼查(Nizar Jamaluddin)催票造势;十月的峇眼槟榔(Bagan Pinang)补选也可看见民主行动党以处理自家党选的方式,为当地基层积弱的回教党辅选。
不过,今年一月爆开的“阿拉”(Allah) 使用争议,无疑让人为回教党与民主行动党捏了一把冷汗。民主行动党籍的升旗山国会议员刘镇东曾在演讲中表示,内政部长希山慕丁(Hishammuddin Hussein)在“阿拉”争议之前,言之凿凿的向首相纳吉挂保证,这个课题必然分裂民联关系,不料,结果却出人意表。
一向在宗教课题上立场保守的回教党中委会迅速在问题爆发一周内决议,其他天启宗教(Agama Samawi)如基督教、天主教、犹太教,皆可以“阿拉”称呼上帝。【点击:回教党中委会今议决 基督犹太教可用阿拉】
不过,林吉祥却警告首相纳吉,透过不公的司法审讯限安华於囹圄,无法打击民联“民联不会因此而瓦解,反而会更加壮大,然後下届大选的口号就是‘释放安华,票投民联’(Free Anwar,Vote PR)。”其话音刚落,现场又是鼓掌与叫好声。
接 著下来,民联执政州属还有一系列执政二周年庆祝活动,三党领袖为了演讲行程更是马不停蹄、全国跑透透,与国阵第二大成员党马华公会仍处於三国鼎立的纷乱状 况相对照,民联此时展现力量恰好让人民看到对比,马华公会的乱局亦不小心映衬出民联的团结与稳固。巫统若要打击民联,可能须先稳住国阵数个成员党的内乱, 否则就是另觅奇计。
例 如最近人民公正党共有三名国会议员退党,一名国会议员遭到开除,导致民主行动党国会议员人数以一席之差凌驾於人民公正党的27席之上,国阵领袖如巫统青年 团团长凯里(Khairy Jamaluddin)等人纷纷见缝插针,提出林吉祥应该当仁不让担任国会在野党领袖,离间民联三党关系。
同 时,人民公正党在3月6日正式开除频惹争议的居林万达镇(Kulim Bandar)国会议员朱基菲里诺丁(Zulkifli Nordin)一举,亦获得盟友支持。林吉祥告诉在场三党代表,2010年3月6日可以是今年最有意义的一个日子,因为,“民联,尤其是人民公正党坚定、 坚持清理门户!”
另 一方面,一向被视为两个极端的民主行动党与回教党在经过两年合作之後,有渐入佳境之感,除了去年五月武吉干当(Bukit Gantang)国会议席补选,民主行动党积极为回教党籍的候选人尼查(Nizar Jamaluddin)催票造势;十月的峇眼槟榔(Bagan Pinang)补选也可看见民主行动党以处理自家党选的方式,为当地基层积弱的回教党辅选。
不过,今年一月爆开的“阿拉”(Allah) 使用争议,无疑让人为回教党与民主行动党捏了一把冷汗。民主行动党籍的升旗山国会议员刘镇东曾在演讲中表示,内政部长希山慕丁(Hishammuddin Hussein)在“阿拉”争议之前,言之凿凿的向首相纳吉挂保证,这个课题必然分裂民联关系,不料,结果却出人意表。
一向在宗教课题上立场保守的回教党中委会迅速在问题爆发一周内决议,其他天启宗教(Agama Samawi)如基督教、天主教、犹太教,皆可以“阿拉”称呼上帝。【点击:回教党中委会今议决 基督犹太教可用阿拉】
不过,林吉祥却警告首相纳吉,透过不公的司法审讯限安华於囹圄,无法打击民联“民联不会因此而瓦解,反而会更加壮大,然後下届大选的口号就是‘释放安华,票投民联’(Free Anwar,Vote PR)。”其话音刚落,现场又是鼓掌与叫好声。
接 著下来,民联执政州属还有一系列执政二周年庆祝活动,三党领袖为了演讲行程更是马不停蹄、全国跑透透,与国阵第二大成员党马华公会仍处於三国鼎立的纷乱状 况相对照,民联此时展现力量恰好让人民看到对比,马华公会的乱局亦不小心映衬出民联的团结与稳固。巫统若要打击民联,可能须先稳住国阵数个成员党的内乱, 否则就是另觅奇计。
Apa Pasal Ibrahim Ali ???
Saya bersetuju dengan Ibrahim Ali yang mengatakan tak ada salahnya bagi beliau selaku Pengurusi Perkasa untuk berkerja dengan tauke Cina yang terkaya Vincent Tan, atau dengan mana-mana tauke lain yang membuat projek perumahan atau jambatan atau projek lain di Kelantan. Orang Melayu sepatutnya berkerja dengan siapa saja yang boleh memberi manfaat dan keuntungan kepada orang Melayu sendiri. Yang penting dia betul-betul berkerja atau berniaga secara aktif. Yang penting Melayu ini bukan “sleeping partner” atau bukan Ali kepada Baba. Yang penting Melayu yang tahu harga diri.
Malangnya ramai pemimpin Melayu/Bumiputera yang ada kabel dengan Perdana Menter atau orang atasan lain dapat peluang hanya untuk jadi Ali kepada Baba. Maka dilantiklah Ali ini sebagai pengarah syarikat yang tak buat apa-apa kerja. Ali ini juga diberi saham. Maklumlah, Ali ini kan orang Bumiputra yang ada kedudukan istimewa dan peruntukan khas, walaupun bapa atau datuk dia lahir di Kerala atau Madras, atau di Aceh dan sebagainya. Orang yang benar-benar putera bumi di negara kita seperti Senoi, Negrito dan Proto Melayu di samping kumpulan-kumpulan etnik Semelai, Jakun, Temuan, Temiar dan sebagainya, tak pernah pula kita lihat dapat jawatan pengerusi syarikat-syarikat besarMereka tak ada perlindungan dibawah Perkara 153 yang ajaib itu.
Jadi bila wira Perkasa dan pengikut-pengikut UMNO Baru ini mahu pertahankan “keistemewaan” mereka, apakah sebenarnya yang mereka mahu pertahankan. Tak ada siapa pun yang bercadang nak ambil balik hak Bumiputera di bawah Perlembagaan. Tak orang bukan Melayu dan tidak juga Pakatan Rakyat yang mahu buat begitu. Lagi pun mustahil ianya dapat dilakukan dengan jumlah kerusi yang dipegang di Parlimen oleh kaum Bumiputera. Kadang-kadang ada di antara kita yang lupa bahawa di Sabah dan Sarawak, kaum Bumiputera merupakan kaum majoriti. Jadi apakah yang dibisingkan oleh “pembela hak Bumiputera” ini.
Sebenarnya, yang mereka mahu pertahankan ialah “sistem rentier” di mana nama Bumiputera UMNO itu ada harga untuk mendapat saham percuma atau elaun percuma atau jawatan pengarah dalam sesuatu syarikat. Mereka mahu Baba sentiasa perlukan servis dan nama mereka. Jadi Ali jenis ini sanggup terus mempertahankan elit Baba ini walaupun syarikat-syarikat Baba inilah yang menjadi persaingan dan mengurangkan peluang kepada peniaga Melayu yang tulin ikhlas yang mahu berniaga dengan erti kata yang sebenar. Inilah hakikatnya
Sepatutnya Ali ini perlu sedar diri dan benar-benar berjuang secara ikhlas. Apa yang perlu diperjuangkan oleh Ibrahim Ali dan Utusan Malaysia ialah supaya Model Ekonomi Baru yang dilaung-laungkan oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Razak itu dapat membanteras fenomena ekonomi pajakan nama Bumiputera Ali kepada Baba. Selagi Ali mendapat elaun murahan yang mudah dan percuma dari Baba, selagi itulah ekonomi orang Melayu akan dikawal oleh Ali yang ada kabel untuk kekayanan Baba. Baba ini pula bukan sebarangan Baba. Orang Cina pun tak suka mereka kerana bolot segala-galanya.
Tapi saya rasa adalah mustahil Najib akan membersihkan ekonomi “rentier” ini kerana para pemimpin UMNO akan marah, ketua Bahagian UMNO akan marah dan Ahli Parlimen UMNO akan marah. Mereka akan marah kalau Model Ekonomi Baru ini bersifat adil dan memberi peluang saksama kepada rakyat Malaysia. Mereka mahu kepentingan mereka dipertahankan. Mereka akan marah kerana akan hilang peluang mendapat elaun murahan’ peluang jual nama Jadi mungkin Model Ekonomi Baru ini sebenar tak ada apa yang baru kecuali tabiat lama yang akan terus mementingkan UMNOputra. Tetapi kita sedia teliti dan meneliti dasar baru ini dengan adil..
Dato Zaid Ibrahim
Ahli Majlis Pimpinan PKR
Malangnya ramai pemimpin Melayu/Bumiputera yang ada kabel dengan Perdana Menter atau orang atasan lain dapat peluang hanya untuk jadi Ali kepada Baba. Maka dilantiklah Ali ini sebagai pengarah syarikat yang tak buat apa-apa kerja. Ali ini juga diberi saham. Maklumlah, Ali ini kan orang Bumiputra yang ada kedudukan istimewa dan peruntukan khas, walaupun bapa atau datuk dia lahir di Kerala atau Madras, atau di Aceh dan sebagainya. Orang yang benar-benar putera bumi di negara kita seperti Senoi, Negrito dan Proto Melayu di samping kumpulan-kumpulan etnik Semelai, Jakun, Temuan, Temiar dan sebagainya, tak pernah pula kita lihat dapat jawatan pengerusi syarikat-syarikat besarMereka tak ada perlindungan dibawah Perkara 153 yang ajaib itu.
Jadi bila wira Perkasa dan pengikut-pengikut UMNO Baru ini mahu pertahankan “keistemewaan” mereka, apakah sebenarnya yang mereka mahu pertahankan. Tak ada siapa pun yang bercadang nak ambil balik hak Bumiputera di bawah Perlembagaan. Tak orang bukan Melayu dan tidak juga Pakatan Rakyat yang mahu buat begitu. Lagi pun mustahil ianya dapat dilakukan dengan jumlah kerusi yang dipegang di Parlimen oleh kaum Bumiputera. Kadang-kadang ada di antara kita yang lupa bahawa di Sabah dan Sarawak, kaum Bumiputera merupakan kaum majoriti. Jadi apakah yang dibisingkan oleh “pembela hak Bumiputera” ini.
Sebenarnya, yang mereka mahu pertahankan ialah “sistem rentier” di mana nama Bumiputera UMNO itu ada harga untuk mendapat saham percuma atau elaun percuma atau jawatan pengarah dalam sesuatu syarikat. Mereka mahu Baba sentiasa perlukan servis dan nama mereka. Jadi Ali jenis ini sanggup terus mempertahankan elit Baba ini walaupun syarikat-syarikat Baba inilah yang menjadi persaingan dan mengurangkan peluang kepada peniaga Melayu yang tulin ikhlas yang mahu berniaga dengan erti kata yang sebenar. Inilah hakikatnya
Sepatutnya Ali ini perlu sedar diri dan benar-benar berjuang secara ikhlas. Apa yang perlu diperjuangkan oleh Ibrahim Ali dan Utusan Malaysia ialah supaya Model Ekonomi Baru yang dilaung-laungkan oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Razak itu dapat membanteras fenomena ekonomi pajakan nama Bumiputera Ali kepada Baba. Selagi Ali mendapat elaun murahan yang mudah dan percuma dari Baba, selagi itulah ekonomi orang Melayu akan dikawal oleh Ali yang ada kabel untuk kekayanan Baba. Baba ini pula bukan sebarangan Baba. Orang Cina pun tak suka mereka kerana bolot segala-galanya.
Tapi saya rasa adalah mustahil Najib akan membersihkan ekonomi “rentier” ini kerana para pemimpin UMNO akan marah, ketua Bahagian UMNO akan marah dan Ahli Parlimen UMNO akan marah. Mereka akan marah kalau Model Ekonomi Baru ini bersifat adil dan memberi peluang saksama kepada rakyat Malaysia. Mereka mahu kepentingan mereka dipertahankan. Mereka akan marah kerana akan hilang peluang mendapat elaun murahan’ peluang jual nama Jadi mungkin Model Ekonomi Baru ini sebenar tak ada apa yang baru kecuali tabiat lama yang akan terus mementingkan UMNOputra. Tetapi kita sedia teliti dan meneliti dasar baru ini dengan adil..
Dato Zaid Ibrahim
Ahli Majlis Pimpinan PKR
Monday, March 8, 2010
合作两年民联脚步渐稳 三党无视巫统离间策略
例 如最近人民公正党共有三名国会议员退党,一名国会议员遭到开除,导致民主行动党国会议员人数以一席之差凌驾於人民公正党的27席之上,国阵领袖如巫统青年 团团长凯里(Khairy Jamaluddin)等人纷纷见缝插针,提出林吉祥应该当仁不让担任国会在野党领袖,离间民联三党关系。
同 时,人民公正党在3月6日正式开除频惹争议的居林万达镇(Kulim Bandar)国会议员朱基菲里诺丁(Zulkifli Nordin)一举,亦获得盟友支持。林吉祥告诉在场三党代表,2010年3月6日可以是今年最有意义的一个日子,因为,“民联,尤其是人民公正党坚定、 坚持清理门户!”
另 一方面,一向被视为两个极端的民主行动党与回教党在经过两年合作之後,有渐入佳境之感,除了去年五月武吉干当(Bukit Gantang)国会议席补选,民主行动党积极为回教党籍的候选人尼查(Nizar Jamaluddin)催票造势;十月的峇眼槟榔(Bagan Pinang)补选也可看见民主行动党以处理自家党选的方式,为当地基层积弱的回教党辅选。
不过,今年一月爆开的“阿拉”(Allah) 使用争议,无疑让人为回教党与民主行动党捏了一把冷汗。民主行动党籍的升旗山国会议员刘镇东曾在演讲中表示,内政部长希山慕丁(Hishammuddin Hussein)在“阿拉”争议之前,言之凿凿的向首相纳吉挂保证,这个课题必然分裂民联关系,不料,结果却出人意表。
一向在宗教课题上立场保守的回教党中委会迅速在问题爆发一周内决议,其他天启宗教(Agama Samawi)如基督教、天主教、犹太教,皆可以“阿拉”称呼上帝。【点击:回教党中委会今议决 基督犹太教可用阿拉】
不过,林吉祥却警告首相纳吉,透过不公的司法审讯限安华於囹圄,无法打击民联“民联不会因此而瓦解,反而会更加壮大,然後下届大选的口号就是‘释放安华,票投民联’(Free Anwar,Vote PR)。”其话音刚落,现场又是鼓掌与叫好声。
接 著下来,民联执政州属还有一系列执政二周年庆祝活动,三党领袖为了演讲行程更是马不停蹄、全国跑透透,与国阵第二大成员党马华公会仍处於三国鼎立的纷乱状 况相对照,民联此时展现力量恰好让人民看到对比,马华公会的乱局亦不小心映衬出民联的团结与稳固。巫统若要打击民联,可能须先稳住国阵数个成员党的内乱, 否则就是另觅奇计。
例 如最近人民公正党共有三名国会议员退党,一名国会议员遭到开除,导致民主行动党国会议员人数以一席之差凌驾於人民公正党的27席之上,国阵领袖如巫统青年 团团长凯里(Khairy Jamaluddin)等人纷纷见缝插针,提出林吉祥应该当仁不让担任国会在野党领袖,离间民联三党关系。
同 时,人民公正党在3月6日正式开除频惹争议的居林万达镇(Kulim Bandar)国会议员朱基菲里诺丁(Zulkifli Nordin)一举,亦获得盟友支持。林吉祥告诉在场三党代表,2010年3月6日可以是今年最有意义的一个日子,因为,“民联,尤其是人民公正党坚定、 坚持清理门户!”
另 一方面,一向被视为两个极端的民主行动党与回教党在经过两年合作之後,有渐入佳境之感,除了去年五月武吉干当(Bukit Gantang)国会议席补选,民主行动党积极为回教党籍的候选人尼查(Nizar Jamaluddin)催票造势;十月的峇眼槟榔(Bagan Pinang)补选也可看见民主行动党以处理自家党选的方式,为当地基层积弱的回教党辅选。
不过,今年一月爆开的“阿拉”(Allah) 使用争议,无疑让人为回教党与民主行动党捏了一把冷汗。民主行动党籍的升旗山国会议员刘镇东曾在演讲中表示,内政部长希山慕丁(Hishammuddin Hussein)在“阿拉”争议之前,言之凿凿的向首相纳吉挂保证,这个课题必然分裂民联关系,不料,结果却出人意表。
一向在宗教课题上立场保守的回教党中委会迅速在问题爆发一周内决议,其他天启宗教(Agama Samawi)如基督教、天主教、犹太教,皆可以“阿拉”称呼上帝。【点击:回教党中委会今议决 基督犹太教可用阿拉】
不过,林吉祥却警告首相纳吉,透过不公的司法审讯限安华於囹圄,无法打击民联“民联不会因此而瓦解,反而会更加壮大,然後下届大选的口号就是‘释放安华,票投民联’(Free Anwar,Vote PR)。”其话音刚落,现场又是鼓掌与叫好声。
接 著下来,民联执政州属还有一系列执政二周年庆祝活动,三党领袖为了演讲行程更是马不停蹄、全国跑透透,与国阵第二大成员党马华公会仍处於三国鼎立的纷乱状 况相对照,民联此时展现力量恰好让人民看到对比,马华公会的乱局亦不小心映衬出民联的团结与稳固。巫统若要打击民联,可能须先稳住国阵数个成员党的内乱, 否则就是另觅奇计。
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
'Lead to serve, Salehuddin'
From Malaysiakini
'It's sad that Anwar Ibrahim surrounds himself with people like this, not to mention all the other frogs. You can take them out of Umno, but you cannot take the Umno out of them.'
Syed Husin: Salehuddin wanted GLC job
Abdul Rahman Lim: Bravo to you, Salehuddin Hashim. RM9,000 is for you a 'pittance' for the job of PKR secretary-general, yet you have the cheek to offer your services for RM1 as chief executive officer of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd.
You are talking rubbish. Maybe RM1 is nothing, but there are bigger things behind the CEO position from which you can reap millions. You think we are all small kids with no brains?
BTN: It's time we tell all politician that they as wakil rakyat (elected representatives) exist to serve the people, not to get rich. The Pakatan Rakyat culture is that of service to the people. If they want to make money, they should join BN, and Umno, in particular.
Rayfire: RM9,000 is not pittance. US$3,000 is worth even more! This just confirms that these so-called 'original activists' are just disgruntled Umno members who, despite leaving PKR, still expect personal gains.
The slogan for Umno 'Dulu, kini dan selama-lamanya' ('Umno was here then, it is here now, and will be here forever') should be changed to 'Dulu berprinsip, kini korup, dan selama-lamanya angkuh!'('Umno was principled then, it is now corrupt, and will forever be arrogant').
Tanteo: It's sad that Anwar Ibrahim surrounds himself with people like this, not to mention all the other frogs. You can take them out of Umno, but you cannot take the Umno out of them. Sometimes I have my doubts about Anwar. I'd trust Syed Husin Ali any day.
Wira: It's the same old story whenever a PKR leader resigns. Why can't a leader land himself a job in the commercial sector on his/her own merits without pulling strings or depending on political patronage? We have such low quality materials in our political leadership. It's no wonder this country is going to the dogs.
Tired: All these revelations about former PKR members wanting this and that (tenders, GLC posts, chairmanship, etc) is proof that when you are in power, PKR, DAP or PAS, you become the same as Umno, MCA and MIC.
Welcome to Malaysian politics, the politics of patronage. So all those promises about wiping out corruption, 'berjuang untuk rakyat', (fighting for the people), fighting for justice and equality, they are just political statements.
Don't believe politicians, no matter which party they represent. They are of the same mould.
Who will succeed Anwar?
Ong Guan Sin: I commend the openness and seriousness on the part of Anwar in discussing the succession issue. Succession planning is an important aspect of a serious organisation, but a really tricky one for a organisation full of politicians.
Anwar tackled the question well, by leaving it to its core business - the democratic process. I am sure this has pushed the maturity of democracy in Malaysia another notch higher. For those who have been alleging Anwar to be 'mad' about prime ministership, this succession discussion has proven them wrong.
Abd Hamid: In a democracy, it's the people who decides. This is something Umno has never accepted, so they try to witchhunt opposition leaders thinking they can continue their evil and corruption.
Anwar has planted the seeds of democracy, for which the people are thankful. If the people really want and desire freedom and justice and fairness, it's up to them to spearhead the revolution in the next general election.
PAS, DAP stand by Pakatan as PKR rocked by defections
Black Mamba: Since March 8, 2008, PAS seems to stand out as a better Malay-based party than Umno. This has been shown clearly in the way issues have been raised and handled. Come next election, I am going to vote for PAS if it stands for election in my constituency.
Disgusted: Way to go Pakatan. This shows that the individual parties in Pakatan are not greedy and willing to squabble about who is to lead. DAP has made it clear that even if it should have the majority of seats in Parliament, it will not be want the position of opposition leader and would continue to support PKR and Anwar.
BN is hoping to cause chaos within Pakatan through the subservient mainstream media, but it will fail miserably. The people are not fools. As for the 'independents' their future is doomed for their double-crossing.
Keturunan Malaysia: Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. You Pakatan frogs have a past, but you have no future.
Ghkok: I am thrilled. Under the most severe test since March 2008, I see a Pakatan Rakyat that is standing firm, standing tall and united. I see dignity and, at the same time, defiance in the face of a severe assault from BN. I see cohesion, focus and commitment. I see a Pakatan that is ready for Putrajaya. We'll be there with them. We'll be finally free from the tyranny of BN.
Petricio: All these frogs fool themselves, thinking that it is on their own merit that they were elected into Parliment. By defecting they have effectively put the final nails into the coffins of their career.
The mainstream media are highlighting this as if Pakatan were falling apart. But I believe many people are seeing the positive ways in which the Pakatan states are run. Perhaps Penang stands out as an outstanding one.
Ferdtan: Truly PAS is for all.
'It's sad that Anwar Ibrahim surrounds himself with people like this, not to mention all the other frogs. You can take them out of Umno, but you cannot take the Umno out of them.'
Syed Husin: Salehuddin wanted GLC job
Abdul Rahman Lim: Bravo to you, Salehuddin Hashim. RM9,000 is for you a 'pittance' for the job of PKR secretary-general, yet you have the cheek to offer your services for RM1 as chief executive officer of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd.
You are talking rubbish. Maybe RM1 is nothing, but there are bigger things behind the CEO position from which you can reap millions. You think we are all small kids with no brains?
BTN: It's time we tell all politician that they as wakil rakyat (elected representatives) exist to serve the people, not to get rich. The Pakatan Rakyat culture is that of service to the people. If they want to make money, they should join BN, and Umno, in particular.
Rayfire: RM9,000 is not pittance. US$3,000 is worth even more! This just confirms that these so-called 'original activists' are just disgruntled Umno members who, despite leaving PKR, still expect personal gains.
The slogan for Umno 'Dulu, kini dan selama-lamanya' ('Umno was here then, it is here now, and will be here forever') should be changed to 'Dulu berprinsip, kini korup, dan selama-lamanya angkuh!'('Umno was principled then, it is now corrupt, and will forever be arrogant').
Tanteo: It's sad that Anwar Ibrahim surrounds himself with people like this, not to mention all the other frogs. You can take them out of Umno, but you cannot take the Umno out of them. Sometimes I have my doubts about Anwar. I'd trust Syed Husin Ali any day.
Wira: It's the same old story whenever a PKR leader resigns. Why can't a leader land himself a job in the commercial sector on his/her own merits without pulling strings or depending on political patronage? We have such low quality materials in our political leadership. It's no wonder this country is going to the dogs.
Tired: All these revelations about former PKR members wanting this and that (tenders, GLC posts, chairmanship, etc) is proof that when you are in power, PKR, DAP or PAS, you become the same as Umno, MCA and MIC.
Welcome to Malaysian politics, the politics of patronage. So all those promises about wiping out corruption, 'berjuang untuk rakyat', (fighting for the people), fighting for justice and equality, they are just political statements.
Don't believe politicians, no matter which party they represent. They are of the same mould.
Who will succeed Anwar?
Ong Guan Sin: I commend the openness and seriousness on the part of Anwar in discussing the succession issue. Succession planning is an important aspect of a serious organisation, but a really tricky one for a organisation full of politicians.
Anwar tackled the question well, by leaving it to its core business - the democratic process. I am sure this has pushed the maturity of democracy in Malaysia another notch higher. For those who have been alleging Anwar to be 'mad' about prime ministership, this succession discussion has proven them wrong.
Abd Hamid: In a democracy, it's the people who decides. This is something Umno has never accepted, so they try to witchhunt opposition leaders thinking they can continue their evil and corruption.
Anwar has planted the seeds of democracy, for which the people are thankful. If the people really want and desire freedom and justice and fairness, it's up to them to spearhead the revolution in the next general election.
PAS, DAP stand by Pakatan as PKR rocked by defections
Black Mamba: Since March 8, 2008, PAS seems to stand out as a better Malay-based party than Umno. This has been shown clearly in the way issues have been raised and handled. Come next election, I am going to vote for PAS if it stands for election in my constituency.
Disgusted: Way to go Pakatan. This shows that the individual parties in Pakatan are not greedy and willing to squabble about who is to lead. DAP has made it clear that even if it should have the majority of seats in Parliament, it will not be want the position of opposition leader and would continue to support PKR and Anwar.
BN is hoping to cause chaos within Pakatan through the subservient mainstream media, but it will fail miserably. The people are not fools. As for the 'independents' their future is doomed for their double-crossing.
Keturunan Malaysia: Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future. You Pakatan frogs have a past, but you have no future.
Ghkok: I am thrilled. Under the most severe test since March 2008, I see a Pakatan Rakyat that is standing firm, standing tall and united. I see dignity and, at the same time, defiance in the face of a severe assault from BN. I see cohesion, focus and commitment. I see a Pakatan that is ready for Putrajaya. We'll be there with them. We'll be finally free from the tyranny of BN.
Petricio: All these frogs fool themselves, thinking that it is on their own merit that they were elected into Parliment. By defecting they have effectively put the final nails into the coffins of their career.
The mainstream media are highlighting this as if Pakatan were falling apart. But I believe many people are seeing the positive ways in which the Pakatan states are run. Perhaps Penang stands out as an outstanding one.
Ferdtan: Truly PAS is for all.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Reality of Malaysia
Below artical published in Sin Chew Jit Poh 2/12/2009 column.I took the liberty to do a little translation for the benefit of those handicapped by Mandarin.夢醒時分 The moment when dream is awakened...
鄭丁賢• 夢醒時分
2009-12-02 20:49
I wonder you feel the same as me, all the sudden I realized friends and relatives around me seems to get less and less.
Those years when the New Year drew near, all sorts of gathering appointments almost completely filled the diaries, but this year seems so quiet.
Even in normal time, phone calls become less and less, face to face meet up also become much less.
Perhaps, everybody is busy with their own things, or perhaps, nowadays people prefer to stay in.
也不盡然如此。再想一想,很多老友和親戚,已經不在了。嗟! 大吉利是,他們都還好好的,只是離開了馬來西亞。
However, it is not entirely like this, thinking further, actually old friends and relatives are not around any more. God bless, they are still alive and well, they just left the country, Malaysia .
去了中國大陸開工廠;王子不做工程師,移民到澳洲開小食檔; 阿風離開本地大學,去香港做講師;青蛙去了台灣, 開展事業第二春;還有的到了美國、英國,唔,還有去印尼的……。
They have gone to China to set factory; Ah Wang quit his engineer job and migrated to Australia to set up his little food store business, Ah Fong left the local University went to Hong Kong as a lecturer. ' Frog ' went to Taiwan to pursue his second career life. Others went to Americia , England , even Indonesia ....
起初,以為這只是個別現象,逐漸的,旁人也有同樣發現;原來, 這不是個別現象,而是社會現象;這不是少數,而是相當大的數目。
At first, I thought these are individual cases, but gradually, people around me realized the same, these are not individual cases but a general symptom of our society. They are not small numbers but they are pretty big indeed.
Department of Foreign Affairs released the figures earlier, it confirmed the situation is real.
從去年3月到今年9月,已經有30萬大馬人移民他國;其中20萬 人是今年1月到8月出走的數目。
From March 2008 thru September 2009, a total of 300,000 Malaysian migrated to other countries, among them 200,000 left between Jan - Aug 2009. (in 8 months)
累積下來,已經有超過200萬大馬人移民, 接近今天印尼外勞在大馬的人口。
Cummulatively, there are 2 million Malaysian migrated, this figure is close to the number of Indonesian workers in Malaysia today.
The difference is, those who migrated are mostly professional and middle class people.
他們有很多出走的理由,追求事業發展,為了孩子前途, 尋找個人更大空間……,概括一句:對馬來西亞失望。
They have many reasons to leave: pursue career development, for the future of their children, in search of better life and environment... In one sentence, they lost hope of Malaysia .
50 years ago people said: Malaysia is very good, better than Hong Kong and even Japan .
30年前,大家說,馬來西亞還不錯,比得上韓國、台灣( 不提香港和日本了)。
30 years ago people said: Malaysia is not bad, comparable to S. Korea and Taiwan . (No mention of Hong Kong and Japan any more).
20年前,大家說,馬來西亞還可以,至少超越中國、泰國( 不能和台、韓比了)。
20 years ago people said: Malaysia can do la, at least better than China and Thailand (Cannot compare with Taiwan and Korea lah)
10年前,大家說,馬來西亞再差,還不至於像越南、印尼( 中國已是不同級別)。
10 years ago poeple said: No matter how bad Malaysia is, cannot be worse than Vietnam and Indonesia ko-ah. ( China is already in a different category).
今日,越南和印尼的經濟成長率遙遙領先大馬, 社會活力和知識發展也勝過一籌;距離愈來愈近了。
Today, the economic growth rate of Vietnam and Indonesia already far exceeded Malaysia. Social activity and intellectual development of the country is also better, the gap between us and them is closing up.
Why worry? there are still Philipines , Cambodia and Myanmar behind us.
但是,一位經濟學家最近到菲律賓考察之後,認為再過20年, 大馬可以取代菲律賓,出口馬籍女傭到全世界了。
However, according to an economist who recently surveyed Phillipines, he think in 20 years ' time, Malaysia can replace Phillipines to become the World exporter of Malaysian maids.
Over half the century, Malaysians live in the big old imperial housing complex, closed up and survived on properties left behind by the ancestor; continue to consume up social resources, wasteful, and drive away talents; they never talk about competitiveness, totally neglect productivity, and hate meritocracy.
亞洲金融風暴來襲時,大馬把門關起來,以為避過一劫, 有人還自我陶醉,自以為是天才策略。
When Asia economic storm hit in 1997, Malaysia closed their doors, thinking we beautifully avoided a disaster, they even think of themselves as genius, being able to handle the situation so well.
然而,其它國家面對風暴,走出風暴,進行體質改革,跨步向前, 登上另一個水平;大馬卻還在原地踏步。
However, just look at other countries in our neighbourhood, they stand up, face the storm, and walk out of the storm.. They overhaul the system, improve the processes and march forward, they moved up to a new level. And Malaysia , still walking on the spot.
Dear Malaysian , it ' s time to wake up! We are very very late now !
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