Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
国阵政府真的穷到无法负担金贴?还是关照朋党至穷 ???
倪可敏今日发表文告指出, 根据首相兼财政部长纳吉针对他在国会的提问答覆,政府与SPANCO私人有限公司签署了一份从1994年开始长达25年的合约,政府每年须以优渥的条件向该公司租车长达25年至2019年。
“今年政府向该公司租用的官车增至9138辆, 截至8月为止巳耗用了1亿2500万令吉,平均每辆官车维修费竟高达1万8000令吉。”
倪氏表示, 以一年平均耗费1亿5000万令吉租车来计算,25年政府就须动用37亿5千万令吉的巨款。
倪可敏今日发表文告指出, 根据首相兼财政部长纳吉针对他在国会的提问答覆,政府与SPANCO私人有限公司签署了一份从1994年开始长达25年的合约,政府每年须以优渥的条件向该公司租车长达25年至2019年。
“今年政府向该公司租用的官车增至9138辆, 截至8月为止巳耗用了1亿2500万令吉,平均每辆官车维修费竟高达1万8000令吉。”
倪氏表示, 以一年平均耗费1亿5000万令吉租车来计算,25年政府就须动用37亿5千万令吉的巨款。
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Korban buat seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia.
Semoga ia memberi ruang untuk kita memikirkan erti korban buat negara tercinta.
Korban demi Keadilan....Korban demi Ketuanan Rakyat !!!
Steven Koay
AMK Sungai Petani
Semoga ia memberi ruang untuk kita memikirkan erti korban buat negara tercinta.
Korban demi Keadilan....Korban demi Ketuanan Rakyat !!!
Steven Koay
AMK Sungai Petani
Lagi Kronisme oleh Umno-BN.....Kali ini PM Najib Razak
Setelah 7 bulan menjadi Perdana Mentri, Najib Razak mula mengamalkan budaya kronisme ! Seperti perdana mentri-perdana mentri yang dahulu, hari ini Najib telah membuat beberapa keputusan yang menampakkan ahli keluarga serta kroninya dilantik bgi memegang jawatan-jawatan dalam kumpulan/syarikat milik Umno-BN :
- Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad, Setiausaha Penerangannya dilantik sebagai direktor Kumpulan Utasan Malaysia.
- Ancom Bhd. syarikat abang Najib, Johari Razak,yang tersenarai di Bursa Kuala Lumpur mengambil-alih Bernama TV dan menjadi pemegang saham terbesar.
- Kroni Najib, Siew Ka Wei (Pemegang saham utama Ancom Bhd.) & Mohamad Al-Amin Abdul Majid (Pengerusi Smidec) menerusi anak syarikat Redberry (syarikat media & iklan ternama) memberi 75% saham Malaymail.
Fenomena ini sekali kali memperlihatkan amalan kronisme masih dan sedang subuh ditanam di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno-BN. Gagasan 1Malaysia sememangnya merupakan slogan "pujuk Rakyat" yang simbolik, budaya mementingkan kroni serta keluarga tidak pernah dan tidak akan hilang dalam Umno mahupun BN.
Seperti artikel saya "Mahathir squandered RM100 bil, says new book" berhubung kerugian duit Rakyat RM100 billion oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir, yang dibongkar oleh sebuah buku terbaru, keluaran Barry Wain, bekas editor Asian Wall Street Journal.
Sekiranya kita membiarkan keadaan kronisme terus-menerus berlarutan di Malaysia, akhirnya sekali lagi negara akan kerugian RM100 billion di bawah pimpinan Najib Razak.
Berapa RM100 billion mampu ditanggung oleh Rakyt Malaysia, yang tidak lain tidak bukan dipakai untuk mencipta jutawan demi jutawan di kalangan ahli-ahli kelaurga dan kroni-kroni pemimpin utama Umno-BN. Rakyat jelata akan terus menyeksa dan hidup dalam serba kekurangan serta daif, negara akan terus teraniaya !
- Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad, Setiausaha Penerangannya dilantik sebagai direktor Kumpulan Utasan Malaysia.
- Ancom Bhd. syarikat abang Najib, Johari Razak,yang tersenarai di Bursa Kuala Lumpur mengambil-alih Bernama TV dan menjadi pemegang saham terbesar.
- Kroni Najib, Siew Ka Wei (Pemegang saham utama Ancom Bhd.) & Mohamad Al-Amin Abdul Majid (Pengerusi Smidec) menerusi anak syarikat Redberry (syarikat media & iklan ternama) memberi 75% saham Malaymail.
Fenomena ini sekali kali memperlihatkan amalan kronisme masih dan sedang subuh ditanam di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin Umno-BN. Gagasan 1Malaysia sememangnya merupakan slogan "pujuk Rakyat" yang simbolik, budaya mementingkan kroni serta keluarga tidak pernah dan tidak akan hilang dalam Umno mahupun BN.
Seperti artikel saya "Mahathir squandered RM100 bil, says new book" berhubung kerugian duit Rakyat RM100 billion oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir, yang dibongkar oleh sebuah buku terbaru, keluaran Barry Wain, bekas editor Asian Wall Street Journal.
Sekiranya kita membiarkan keadaan kronisme terus-menerus berlarutan di Malaysia, akhirnya sekali lagi negara akan kerugian RM100 billion di bawah pimpinan Najib Razak.
Berapa RM100 billion mampu ditanggung oleh Rakyt Malaysia, yang tidak lain tidak bukan dipakai untuk mencipta jutawan demi jutawan di kalangan ahli-ahli kelaurga dan kroni-kroni pemimpin utama Umno-BN. Rakyat jelata akan terus menyeksa dan hidup dalam serba kekurangan serta daif, negara akan terus teraniaya !
BN Government,
Najib Razak
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Peguam: Najib 'dikaitkan' dengan kehilangan Bala
Mereka yang berfikiran waras akan membuat kesimpulan bahawa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak nampaknya ada kaitan dengan kehilangan P Balasubramaniam, kata peguam perisik persendirian itu, Americk Singh Sidhu.

Menurutnya, fakta-fakta nampaknya menunjukkan kepada kemungkinan mereka tidak mahu dia lagi dan menyerahkan tugas itu kepada orang lain yang rapat dengan mereka, untuk dilaksanakan.
Dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini, Americk memandang berat pembabitan adik Najib - Datuk Nazim - dan menurutnya, persoalan yang timbul ialah mengapa dia (Nazim) berminat dengan kehilangan Balasubramaniam "jika dia tidak mendapat perlindungan dari abangnya?".
Balasubramaniam baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa dia pernah berjumpa dengan Nazim, seorang arkitek, pada malam sebelum dia menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya yang mendakwa Najib ada hubungan rapat dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Balasubramaniam turut mendakwa bahawa dia ditawarkan RM5 juta oleh seorang yang dikenali sebagai Deepak, seorang ahli perniagaan yang rapat dengan isteri Najib - Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor - supaya menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya.
Najib telah berulangkali menafikan spekulasi bahawa beliau adalah di belakang tindakan Balasubramaniam menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya itu.
Dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini, Americk menceritakan bagaimana beliau diperkenalkan kepada Balasumbramaniam; tindakan balasubranamiam menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya dan pertemuan seterusnya beliau dengan bekas pegawai polis itu, selepas muncul semula dari persembunyian setahun kemudiannya.
Americk turut mendedahkan bahawa rakaman video wawancaranya dengan Balasubramaniam tiga bulan lalu, dibuat secara rahsia sebagai "satu jaminan sekiranya dia ditahan oleh pihak-pihak yang terbabit dalam pemergiannya dari negara ini setahun yang lalu."
"Dia tidak tahu yang dia sedang dirakamkan pada masa itu, tetapi kita kemudiannya memaklumkan perkara itu kepadanya dan dia faham mengapa kita berbuat demikian," katanya.
Menurut Americk lagi, Balasubramaniam mungkin melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Akuan Bersumpah 1960 kerana memberi akuan bersumpah yang bercanggah, tetapi dia boleh mempertahankan dirinya kerana dia nampaknya telah dipaksa, diugut dan/atau dipaksa menandatangani akuan bersumpah kedua".
Tetapi, katanya, mereka yang didakwa menghasut akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu dibuat - Deepak, ASP Suresh dan peguam M Arunampalam - juga berdepan dengan tuduhan jenayah kerana subahat dan konspirasi.
Mengenai Nazim pula, Americk mendakwa, dia terbabit dalam melakukan ugutan jenayah terhadap Bala di samping kemungkinan didakwa bersubahat/konspirasi berhubung pembuatan akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu.

Menurutnya, fakta-fakta nampaknya menunjukkan kepada kemungkinan mereka tidak mahu dia lagi dan menyerahkan tugas itu kepada orang lain yang rapat dengan mereka, untuk dilaksanakan.
Dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini, Americk memandang berat pembabitan adik Najib - Datuk Nazim - dan menurutnya, persoalan yang timbul ialah mengapa dia (Nazim) berminat dengan kehilangan Balasubramaniam "jika dia tidak mendapat perlindungan dari abangnya?".
Balasubramaniam baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa dia pernah berjumpa dengan Nazim, seorang arkitek, pada malam sebelum dia menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya yang mendakwa Najib ada hubungan rapat dengan Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Balasubramaniam turut mendakwa bahawa dia ditawarkan RM5 juta oleh seorang yang dikenali sebagai Deepak, seorang ahli perniagaan yang rapat dengan isteri Najib - Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor - supaya menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya.
Najib telah berulangkali menafikan spekulasi bahawa beliau adalah di belakang tindakan Balasubramaniam menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya itu.
Dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini, Americk menceritakan bagaimana beliau diperkenalkan kepada Balasumbramaniam; tindakan balasubranamiam menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya dan pertemuan seterusnya beliau dengan bekas pegawai polis itu, selepas muncul semula dari persembunyian setahun kemudiannya.
Americk turut mendedahkan bahawa rakaman video wawancaranya dengan Balasubramaniam tiga bulan lalu, dibuat secara rahsia sebagai "satu jaminan sekiranya dia ditahan oleh pihak-pihak yang terbabit dalam pemergiannya dari negara ini setahun yang lalu."
"Dia tidak tahu yang dia sedang dirakamkan pada masa itu, tetapi kita kemudiannya memaklumkan perkara itu kepadanya dan dia faham mengapa kita berbuat demikian," katanya.
Menurut Americk lagi, Balasubramaniam mungkin melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Akuan Bersumpah 1960 kerana memberi akuan bersumpah yang bercanggah, tetapi dia boleh mempertahankan dirinya kerana dia nampaknya telah dipaksa, diugut dan/atau dipaksa menandatangani akuan bersumpah kedua".
Tetapi, katanya, mereka yang didakwa menghasut akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu dibuat - Deepak, ASP Suresh dan peguam M Arunampalam - juga berdepan dengan tuduhan jenayah kerana subahat dan konspirasi.
Mengenai Nazim pula, Americk mendakwa, dia terbabit dalam melakukan ugutan jenayah terhadap Bala di samping kemungkinan didakwa bersubahat/konspirasi berhubung pembuatan akuan bersumpah kedua yang palsu.
BN Government,
Najib Razak
Mahathir squandered RM100 bil, says new book
From Malaysiakini.

Malaysia has squandered an estimated RM100 billion on financial scandals under the 22-year rule of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, according to a new book about the former prime minister.
According to Barry Wain, author of the soon-to-be launched 'Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times', direct financial losses amounted to about RM50 billion.
This doubled once the invisible costs, such as unrecorded write-offs, were taken into account. The RM100 billion total loss was equivalent to US$40 billion at then prevailing exchange rates.
Barry, who is a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal, says most of the scams, which included a government attempt to manipulate the international tin price and gambling by Bank Negara on global currency markets, occurred in the 1980s.
'Malaysian Maverick' is the first independent, full-length study of Mahathir, who retired in 2003 after more than two decades as premier. The book will be published globally next week by Palgrave Macmillan.
Wain writes that the Mahathir administration, which took office in 1981 with the slogan, “clean, efficient, trustworthy”, was almost immediately embroiled in financial scandals that “exploded with startling regularity”.
By the early 1990s, he says, cynics remarked that it had been “a good decade for bad behaviour, or a bad decade for good behaviour”.
Secret military deal with US
The book also reveals that:
* Mahathir, despite his nationalistic rants, signed a secret security agreement with the United States in 1984 that gave the Americans access to a jungle warfare training school in Johor and allowed them to set up a small-ship repair facility at Lumut and a plant in Kuala Lumpur to repair C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.
* Mahathir used a secret fund of his ruling Umno to turn the party into a vast conglomerate with investments that spanned almost the entire economy.
* Mahathir's Umno financed its new Putra World Trade Centre headquarters in Kuala Lumpur partly with taxpayers money, by forcing state-owned banks to write off at least RM140 million in interest on Umno loans.
Wain, who is now a writer-in-residence at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, however credits Mahathir with engineering the country's economic transformation, deepening industrialisation and expanding Malaysia's middle class.
But Mahathir had undermined state institutions, permitted the spread of corruption and failed to provide for Malaysia's future leadership, he says.

Malaysia has squandered an estimated RM100 billion on financial scandals under the 22-year rule of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, according to a new book about the former prime minister.
According to Barry Wain, author of the soon-to-be launched 'Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times', direct financial losses amounted to about RM50 billion.
This doubled once the invisible costs, such as unrecorded write-offs, were taken into account. The RM100 billion total loss was equivalent to US$40 billion at then prevailing exchange rates.
Barry, who is a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal, says most of the scams, which included a government attempt to manipulate the international tin price and gambling by Bank Negara on global currency markets, occurred in the 1980s.
'Malaysian Maverick' is the first independent, full-length study of Mahathir, who retired in 2003 after more than two decades as premier. The book will be published globally next week by Palgrave Macmillan.
Wain writes that the Mahathir administration, which took office in 1981 with the slogan, “clean, efficient, trustworthy”, was almost immediately embroiled in financial scandals that “exploded with startling regularity”.
By the early 1990s, he says, cynics remarked that it had been “a good decade for bad behaviour, or a bad decade for good behaviour”.
Secret military deal with US
The book also reveals that:
* Mahathir, despite his nationalistic rants, signed a secret security agreement with the United States in 1984 that gave the Americans access to a jungle warfare training school in Johor and allowed them to set up a small-ship repair facility at Lumut and a plant in Kuala Lumpur to repair C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.
* Mahathir used a secret fund of his ruling Umno to turn the party into a vast conglomerate with investments that spanned almost the entire economy.
* Mahathir's Umno financed its new Putra World Trade Centre headquarters in Kuala Lumpur partly with taxpayers money, by forcing state-owned banks to write off at least RM140 million in interest on Umno loans.
Wain, who is now a writer-in-residence at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, however credits Mahathir with engineering the country's economic transformation, deepening industrialisation and expanding Malaysia's middle class.
But Mahathir had undermined state institutions, permitted the spread of corruption and failed to provide for Malaysia's future leadership, he says.
Friday, October 30, 2009
反对用24亿在定点设高速宽频 应确保国人都能以512 kb上网
为了缩短数码距离及将绿洲带入大马的宽频沙漠,我建议将该24亿令吉改变用途,而以至少512 kbps的宽频速度,免费让国人使用。这24亿令吉拨款,马电讯应以1令吉对1令吉的比例付出。
“交通及通讯部说,从明年7月起,芬兰每一个人将有权享有10 megabit的宽频上网。芬兰是世上首个立法保障宽频上网的国家。”
芬兰在较早时已经决定,到了2015年时,享有100 megabit宽频上网的法定权利。新的目标是芬兰的一项中途步骤。
这 项全球宽频品质调查,共调查66个国家的网络品质及广度,而把大马排名在53,我国的排名不如韩国、日本、瑞典、丹麦、美国是可以理解的,但我们竟然被土 耳其、智利、中国、卡达尔、巴西、阿根庭、沙地阿拉伯、塞埔鲁斯、哥斯达利加、巴林、泰国、突尼西亚、墨西哥、菲律宾及阿联酋抛在後头。
a. 部长说,12条海底电缆提供大马的国际互联网频带宽度。然而,根据了解,最多只有10条海底电缆,包括还没装置的亚美通道(AAG)。在这10条之中, 有3条是跨国的,这意味著不是真正的国际化。这等於说,只有6条电缆可被视为进行国际交通。我请新闻、文化及艺术部长澄清及列出每一条电缆及其个别的能 力。
b. 部长在其书面答覆中指出,大马截至2009年6月的累积国际互联网频带宽度是112GB,在2008年时是64.1GB。然而,在同个时期,用户对TM Net的缓慢宽频速度之投诉却与日俱增。
* 部长能否解释,为何投诉宽频速度的用户不断增加?
* TM是否将其国际互联网频带宽度超售给企业顾客、银行、政府或其他互联网服务提供公司?
* 目前在大马的每名用户真正享有的国际互联网频带宽度?
国际互联网频带宽度极为重要,在学术研究领域上,美国建立了其超快互联网2及ESnet,瑞士有SWITCH,而我们所知的互联网诞生地CERN有The Grid。这些超快网络是分享研究与学术工作数据的重要成份。
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Deepavali
Dear Malaysian Indian Friends,
Happy Deepavali to all of you !!!
May all the Malaysian continue to reform for a better Malaysia.
Thanks and regards.
Happy Deepavali to all of you !!!
May all the Malaysian continue to reform for a better Malaysia.
Thanks and regards.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
大馬華人 應該看 (so true)
马来西亚( Malaysia )政府不停的责备挑剔的为难以色列( Israel ),
几十年前,当我小的时候,父母亲从外国回来,Passport 放在桌子上。
但是黑人撞到白人,不跑的话,一 定被白人打到死,
当时,大山脚有一间我们中学时代所羡慕的马来学校Science School,
我们却要搭脚车或等破旧不准时的Bus Mara回家。
>> 这叫土著特权,
>> 因为他们是马来人,他们必须被帮助坐BMW冷气巴士回家,
>> 而我们也没钱,
>> 必须自己想办法吃自己
>> 踏我的BMX回乡村Berapit的小家。
>> 讲到足球,小时候看国家队比赛,很精采
>> 有华人苏金安,印度人Arumugum和马来人莫达,
>> 但现在看国家队比赛,全都是马来人,偶尔会有一个印度人。
>> 为什么土著之上政策後,华人和印度人变成都不会踢足球吗?
>> 为什么土著之上政策後,耗资近一亿马币上太空旅游的
>> 一定是马来人而不是非马来人。
>> 不是的!
>> 因为我们不可争,一切都已被安排好了,
>> 记得白人和黑人的故事吗!
> > 难怪马来西亚足球队现在变成是东南亚最爱吃鸡蛋的国家队。
>> 可悲!
> > 还记得大学先修班时,
>> 班上有个半土著的人(父亲是华人,母亲是马来人)告诉我,
>> 为什么你要每天这么努力读书,不懂得享受人生。
>> 但是这个不努力也成绩不很好的半土著皮肤半黑的白人
>> 过后轻易进入大学,
>> 而我们这些拼命读书的黄皮肤的黑人有很多进入不了本地大学,
>> 因为别人的妈妈是土猪族的传人,
>> 我们的妈妈是龙的传人。
>> 这就是土族特权而不是龙族特权的时代。
>> 现在的教育制度更可怕,偷学邓小平的一国两制。
>> 这些教育官僚怕被外国人取笑,
>> 因为以前马来人考输华人也可进大学,华人切不可以进大学,
>> 这样做的话有点说不过去。
>> 所以这些官员也学会怎样掩饰土著,
>> 想出了在中学或高中的时候把土著和非土著隔离,
>> 然後考不一样的考试,再加入了课外活动的积分制,
>> 顺理成章的把大部份土著送进大学。
> >
>> 3/12/07世界银行指出,
>> 大马高等学府通过不同 管道包括大学预科班、
>> 大马高级学校文凭、大学基础课程来录取学生、
>> 造成人民质疑政府是否落实绩效制。
> >
>> 原始人制度
> >
>> 这种制度我称为原始人制度,
>> 因为在原始人时代只要那些能跑能打的人就是天下无敌,
>> 而那些有创意和智商的人必须听从能跑能打的人。
>> 就好像假如今天大学有一个医学位,
>> 有一个华人每科科学都考得全国最好,
>> 但是课外活动只属于一般。
>> 而一个马来人科学每科都考得算好,但是不算最好,可是课外活动一流。在原始人制度
>> 下谁会被选进入就读呢?
> > 答案是课外活动一流的马来同胞选为医生,
>> 因为他比较能跑能跳而不是拥有专业的知识。
>> 这就是为什么今天很多国家不再承认我国的医学位了。
>> 事实上,原始人制度这些年来出现了太多问题。
>> 有许许多多的原始人 半专业人士如马来律师、会计师和工程师无法和非马来人专业人
>> 士竞争。
>> 所以一些原始人制度下受惠的马来官员又想出更妙的方法,
>> 把企业固打原始化,回到古老的原始人方式按人头来分配财富和工作,
>> 而不是按能力来分配工作。
>> 如所有要和Maybank来往的商人必须要用原始人律师而不是专业律师、
>> 所有上市公司或将上市的公司必须按土著和非土著比例来聘请员工。
>> 这是一个极危险性的动作,直接把国家竞争能力减到最低,
>> 而快速的把土著30%经济蛋糕在十到十五年之间快速转移达到70%,
>> 从非马来人手中用合法性夺取所有的资金和国家资源。
>> 这些官员实在历害,
>> 把新经济政策的30%变成按土著和非土著比例70/30的政策,
>> 这说明了他们的胃口已经不按部就班的变大许多,
>> 让有钱的小拿破仑土著更 有钱,然後来控制非土著和大部份的贫穷土著。
>> 过去,我们的许多朋友高中毕业後都跑到新加坡去了,
>> 因为那里的政府爱惜人才,把国家辛辛苦苦栽培十多年的人才都拿去了。
>> 但是自从我们爱拔短剑的教育部长从中国回来後也学会这一招,
>> 开始承认独中生,所有华文好的独中生都被政府接受成为老师,
>> 但是条件就是这些独中生只可以到马来学校教马来人华语而不是到缺少千千万万华文老
>> 师的华小教书。
>> 还有更可怕的是现在马来西亚也开始承认中国大学华文系,
>> 因为这些从北京大学回来的大学生都必须到马来学校教书而非华小。
>> 到时马来小学生学的是纯正中国北京中文系华语,
>> 而华小学生学的是像我这样的Kampung乡村华语,
>> 因为上梁不正下梁歪。
>> 我想告诉马华的领袖,你们的良心在那里,
>> 你想骗华社骗到几时,难道这就是你们争取给华社的功劳。
>> 每一年华社捐给独中的钱多过你们马华捐给华小的钱,
>> 现在你们马华却要反回来做巫统的走狗,
>> 把一流的独中生调到马来学校去,
>> 把华社多年养大的母鸡送给土著。
>> 我更看不过眼的事你们马华眼睁睁的看著马来官员
>> 把一大堆不懂华语而能力很差马来学校都不要的老师调到华小来,
>> 让他们教我们天真无邪的孩子。
> >
>> 黄明志事件
>> 你们只会叫明志道歉,更惨的是民政有些领袖还说明志的不是。
>> 明志道歉过後情况更惨,被5名马来部长每天不断的攻击,又喊又杀!
>> 好像明志犯了偷天大罪。
>> 现在这5名马来部长突然间静了下来,给人的感觉以为他们很大方,
>> 不再追究。
>> 事实上,他们再追究下去的话,天下最大的笑话将会在马来西亚发 生,
>> 原来我们的国歌是改编印尼的情歌Terang Bulan。
>> 这次真的是Malaysia Boleh!
>> 为什么马华现在没有叫5个马来部长向明志道歉呢!
>> 你们可以改编,他就是不可以,这话到底要怎么讲。
>> 我再一次只能说:Malaysia Boleh!大马能!
> >
>> 马华的领袖,尤其是那个大小通吃的刘一端,你们玩够了没有。
>> 以前你们告诉华社,叫我们在大选支持你们给你们机会。
>> 所以上一次大选,所有华社都支持你们,
>> 你们在槟州以及全国各地都取得辉煌的成绩,
>> 但你们给了华社些什么?为什么你们对马六甲华人赶尽杀绝。
> >
>> 为什么小小的前武拉必州议员如刘一端,
>> 以前只是普通的MPSP政府人,在椰树下和我们一起长大,
>> 为什么现在在短短的时间里,可以住进数以百万的屋子。
>> 各位武拉必的华人,
>> 大山脚的华人,
>> 槟城的华人,
>> 全世界几百万到外国工作和已经移居到国外的马来西亚
>> 和新加坡的华人,
>> 我们已经被马华领袖玩够了,
>> 他们是大汉奸,多年来出卖民族的大走狗,
>> 我们不可再靠马华,因为50年前,马华的意 思是代表马来西亚的华人,
>> 但是50年後,马华的意思是代表马来人的化身。
>> 让我们自己来改写华人历史,跟他们讲No的时候。
>> 因此今天华社必须重新整合,
>> 唤醒所有黑眼睛,黑头发黄皮肤龙的传人。
>> 不要小看
民联党,行动党 都一样!!!
马来西亚( Malaysia )政府不停的责备挑剔的为难以色列( Israel ),
几十年前,当我小的时候,父母亲从外国回来,Passport 放在桌子上。
但是黑人撞到白人,不跑的话,一 定被白人打到死,
当时,大山脚有一间我们中学时代所羡慕的马来学校Science School,
我们却要搭脚车或等破旧不准时的Bus Mara回家。
>> 这叫土著特权,
>> 因为他们是马来人,他们必须被帮助坐BMW冷气巴士回家,
>> 而我们也没钱,
>> 必须自己想办法吃自己
>> 踏我的BMX回乡村Berapit的小家。
>> 讲到足球,小时候看国家队比赛,很精采
>> 有华人苏金安,印度人Arumugum和马来人莫达,
>> 但现在看国家队比赛,全都是马来人,偶尔会有一个印度人。
>> 为什么土著之上政策後,华人和印度人变成都不会踢足球吗?
>> 为什么土著之上政策後,耗资近一亿马币上太空旅游的
>> 一定是马来人而不是非马来人。
>> 不是的!
>> 因为我们不可争,一切都已被安排好了,
>> 记得白人和黑人的故事吗!
> > 难怪马来西亚足球队现在变成是东南亚最爱吃鸡蛋的国家队。
>> 可悲!
> > 还记得大学先修班时,
>> 班上有个半土著的人(父亲是华人,母亲是马来人)告诉我,
>> 为什么你要每天这么努力读书,不懂得享受人生。
>> 但是这个不努力也成绩不很好的半土著皮肤半黑的白人
>> 过后轻易进入大学,
>> 而我们这些拼命读书的黄皮肤的黑人有很多进入不了本地大学,
>> 因为别人的妈妈是土猪族的传人,
>> 我们的妈妈是龙的传人。
>> 这就是土族特权而不是龙族特权的时代。
>> 现在的教育制度更可怕,偷学邓小平的一国两制。
>> 这些教育官僚怕被外国人取笑,
>> 因为以前马来人考输华人也可进大学,华人切不可以进大学,
>> 这样做的话有点说不过去。
>> 所以这些官员也学会怎样掩饰土著,
>> 想出了在中学或高中的时候把土著和非土著隔离,
>> 然後考不一样的考试,再加入了课外活动的积分制,
>> 顺理成章的把大部份土著送进大学。
> >
>> 3/12/07世界银行指出,
>> 大马高等学府通过不同 管道包括大学预科班、
>> 大马高级学校文凭、大学基础课程来录取学生、
>> 造成人民质疑政府是否落实绩效制。
> >
>> 原始人制度
> >
>> 这种制度我称为原始人制度,
>> 因为在原始人时代只要那些能跑能打的人就是天下无敌,
>> 而那些有创意和智商的人必须听从能跑能打的人。
>> 就好像假如今天大学有一个医学位,
>> 有一个华人每科科学都考得全国最好,
>> 但是课外活动只属于一般。
>> 而一个马来人科学每科都考得算好,但是不算最好,可是课外活动一流。在原始人制度
>> 下谁会被选进入就读呢?
> > 答案是课外活动一流的马来同胞选为医生,
>> 因为他比较能跑能跳而不是拥有专业的知识。
>> 这就是为什么今天很多国家不再承认我国的医学位了。
>> 事实上,原始人制度这些年来出现了太多问题。
>> 有许许多多的原始人 半专业人士如马来律师、会计师和工程师无法和非马来人专业人
>> 士竞争。
>> 所以一些原始人制度下受惠的马来官员又想出更妙的方法,
>> 把企业固打原始化,回到古老的原始人方式按人头来分配财富和工作,
>> 而不是按能力来分配工作。
>> 如所有要和Maybank来往的商人必须要用原始人律师而不是专业律师、
>> 所有上市公司或将上市的公司必须按土著和非土著比例来聘请员工。
>> 这是一个极危险性的动作,直接把国家竞争能力减到最低,
>> 而快速的把土著30%经济蛋糕在十到十五年之间快速转移达到70%,
>> 从非马来人手中用合法性夺取所有的资金和国家资源。
>> 这些官员实在历害,
>> 把新经济政策的30%变成按土著和非土著比例70/30的政策,
>> 这说明了他们的胃口已经不按部就班的变大许多,
>> 让有钱的小拿破仑土著更 有钱,然後来控制非土著和大部份的贫穷土著。
>> 过去,我们的许多朋友高中毕业後都跑到新加坡去了,
>> 因为那里的政府爱惜人才,把国家辛辛苦苦栽培十多年的人才都拿去了。
>> 但是自从我们爱拔短剑的教育部长从中国回来後也学会这一招,
>> 开始承认独中生,所有华文好的独中生都被政府接受成为老师,
>> 但是条件就是这些独中生只可以到马来学校教马来人华语而不是到缺少千千万万华文老
>> 师的华小教书。
>> 还有更可怕的是现在马来西亚也开始承认中国大学华文系,
>> 因为这些从北京大学回来的大学生都必须到马来学校教书而非华小。
>> 到时马来小学生学的是纯正中国北京中文系华语,
>> 而华小学生学的是像我这样的Kampung乡村华语,
>> 因为上梁不正下梁歪。
>> 我想告诉马华的领袖,你们的良心在那里,
>> 你想骗华社骗到几时,难道这就是你们争取给华社的功劳。
>> 每一年华社捐给独中的钱多过你们马华捐给华小的钱,
>> 现在你们马华却要反回来做巫统的走狗,
>> 把一流的独中生调到马来学校去,
>> 把华社多年养大的母鸡送给土著。
>> 我更看不过眼的事你们马华眼睁睁的看著马来官员
>> 把一大堆不懂华语而能力很差马来学校都不要的老师调到华小来,
>> 让他们教我们天真无邪的孩子。
> >
>> 黄明志事件
>> 你们只会叫明志道歉,更惨的是民政有些领袖还说明志的不是。
>> 明志道歉过後情况更惨,被5名马来部长每天不断的攻击,又喊又杀!
>> 好像明志犯了偷天大罪。
>> 现在这5名马来部长突然间静了下来,给人的感觉以为他们很大方,
>> 不再追究。
>> 事实上,他们再追究下去的话,天下最大的笑话将会在马来西亚发 生,
>> 原来我们的国歌是改编印尼的情歌Terang Bulan。
>> 这次真的是Malaysia Boleh!
>> 为什么马华现在没有叫5个马来部长向明志道歉呢!
>> 你们可以改编,他就是不可以,这话到底要怎么讲。
>> 我再一次只能说:Malaysia Boleh!大马能!
> >
>> 马华的领袖,尤其是那个大小通吃的刘一端,你们玩够了没有。
>> 以前你们告诉华社,叫我们在大选支持你们给你们机会。
>> 所以上一次大选,所有华社都支持你们,
>> 你们在槟州以及全国各地都取得辉煌的成绩,
>> 但你们给了华社些什么?为什么你们对马六甲华人赶尽杀绝。
> >
>> 为什么小小的前武拉必州议员如刘一端,
>> 以前只是普通的MPSP政府人,在椰树下和我们一起长大,
>> 为什么现在在短短的时间里,可以住进数以百万的屋子。
>> 各位武拉必的华人,
>> 大山脚的华人,
>> 槟城的华人,
>> 全世界几百万到外国工作和已经移居到国外的马来西亚
>> 和新加坡的华人,
>> 我们已经被马华领袖玩够了,
>> 他们是大汉奸,多年来出卖民族的大走狗,
>> 我们不可再靠马华,因为50年前,马华的意 思是代表马来西亚的华人,
>> 但是50年後,马华的意思是代表马来人的化身。
>> 让我们自己来改写华人历史,跟他们讲No的时候。
>> 因此今天华社必须重新整合,
>> 唤醒所有黑眼睛,黑头发黄皮肤龙的传人。
>> 不要小看
民联党,行动党 都一样!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dr M's selective amnesia on the ISA
(Cited from Malaysiakini)
Throughout his autocratic reign, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad displayed contempt for the rule of law.
Some say he was ignorant of this principle of democratic governance, confounding it with "rule by law".
His frontal assault on the Malaysian judiciary in 1988 was an embarrassment for the nation so much so that his successor had to atone for this injury to "national security" 20 years later.
In his recent blog on the justification for ISA, Mahathir further demonstrates his failure to appreciate the rule of law with this give-away: "Courts take a long time to pass judgment."
He tries in vain to justify his use of this "Insidious Suppression Apparatus" (ISA) especially during Operation Lalang.
He claims that he was trying to save the nation from a catastrophic clash because Umno was threatening to hold a million-strong demonstration, that leaders of both sides of the political divide were detained and "as soon as that threat passed, the detainees were released..."
As a human rights watcher since the 1960s and a victim of Operation Lalang myself, allow me to expose some gross misrepresentation of the facts by the former premier:
'White terror' unleashed
Fact 1: What did Umno want to demonstrate against to warrant a million-strong force?
As I told my Special Branch interrogators, the freedom of assembly extends as far as the police are capable of handling the demonstration in question.
From what Mahathir has said, it seems clear that Umno (and he was the Umno chief) was bent on creating terror.
In fact, on the day the Chinese associations were holding their assembly at the Tian Hou Temple in October 1987 to protest the appointment of non-Mandarin educated administrators to Chinese schools, I was busy papering over the glass windows of my office at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in preparation of this threatening demonstration by Umno.
The million-strong Umno demonstration did not happen because it had been orchestrated, just as May 13, 1969 was orchestrated.
We had a glimpse of what Umno was capable of doing when a few hundred Umno Youth members demonstrated outside the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall over the Suqiu issue on Aug 18, 2000 and threatened to burn down the assembly hall.
On Oct 27, 1987, Operation Lalang was unleashed to create this "white terror" and it did the job to allow Mahathir to launch his assault on the judiciary and to solve the Umno dilemma posed by the challenge of Team B in Umno.Chopped logic in ISA
Fact 2: Why was I and many others detained under Operation Lalang?
Mahathir claims the ISA is a preventive law "to be applied before a crime is committed."
That was why people like me, Prof Chandra Muzaffar, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Nasir Hashim and a hundred or more others were detained?
No, from the interrogation by the special branch, I was detained to punish me for writing all those provocative articles in the newspapers during the 80s and writing the book on 'The Root Causes of Racial Polarisation in Malaysia'.
"Okay, I told my special branch tormentors, If you say my book was a threat to national security, then ban it! You can't say the book is fine but then arrest me for being a threat to national security!"
I pointed out that Mahathir's Malay Dilemma was banned because it was considered unsavoury to the Tunku's administration but it wasn't banned.
Do you see the chop logic of the ISA justifications?
Clearly, from talking to the other detainees during Operation Lalang, the ISA was used to punish us all for not falling in line with the Barisan Nasional.
In fact, part of the so-called 'rehabilitation' by the special branch was to encourage me to emigrate and stop being a thorn in the side of the Mahathir regime.
So much for 1Malaysia and trying to attract Malaysians back to our country.
Fact 3: Why were no BN leaders sent to the Kamunting Detention Camp?
Selective amnesia
Mahathir appears to be suffering from the common complaint among the ruling elite - selective amnesia. He said, "As soon as the threat passed, the detainees were released."
How can we expect young Malaysians to take an interest in history and human rights if a former prime minister tells such blatant untruths?
During my 60 days of solitary confinement, that was the line I took with my special branch tormentors: "Okay, assuming you are right about detaining us...Now that the so-called crisis is over, shouldn't we be released?"
I expected to be released after the 60 days of solitary confinement but the only people released included all the BN who had been taken in.
The rest of us who were being punished for being dissidents were sent on two-year orders to Kamunting.
There was not a single BN leader sent to Kamunting even though the MCA and Gerakan supported the Chinese associations over the Chinese schools issue.
Clearly, one is considered a threat to national security only if one is opposed to the BN.
Then again, there is a difference in treatment meted out to detainees from the BN and the rest of us.
I happened to be in the next cell to a datuk from the BN and I could hear his high spirits every time he was brought back from "questioning".
Clearly, while the rest of us were subjected to harrowing questioning and some, even horrendous torture, these BN detainees were being taken out and feted.
Torture one, feed the other
Fact 4: Torture under the ISA has been going on for years, including under Operation Lalang.
Mahathir chides the US for torturing their detainees. Does he not know that the Malaysian police have been torturing detainees for years?
One only needs to look at the statutory declarations by Munawar Anees and others detained in the last 10 years on the internet to see the depravity of our state torturers.
One of the earliest documents I have seen is this excerpt from a statement by "political prisoners of Kawasan A, B, and C" dated May 1, 1969, Batu Gajah Detention Camp:
"1. We political detainees have undergone days and nights of endless interrogation which have inflicted grave toll on the mental condition of many detainees;
2. During interrogation, we have been handcuffed, had our abdominal parts kicked, our heads bashed against the wall until they bled, and some have had to be hospitalised;
3. We have had needles stuck in our fingernails and pencils used to squeeze our fingers between them;
4. We have been burnt with cigarette lighters and hit with elastic bands; some have had nails inserted into their genitals;
5. We have been asked to strip off our pants and to sit on open bottles;
6. We have been made to take off our clothing and to stand before fans and air conditioners until we have passed out;
7. The Banishment Law has been invoked to force political detainees out of the country, while those who do not accept banishment are kept on long-term detentions.
Some at the Seremban Detention Camp have already been detained for between 10 to 20 years already;
8. We political prisoners here have been detained for between four to eight years without trial;
9. The riot squad has been mobilised to storm our detention camp in order to force those who have refused to wear handcuffs when they leave the camp to do so. In the process, there has been bloodshed;
10. Health and medical services are very poor in the camp. Those who leave for hospital treatment are forced to be handcuffed. After nine o'clock, we are forced into hot and stuffy cells..."
On Mahathir's own watch during the Operation Lalang he unleashed, and this is the affidavit of Yeshua Jamaluddin, who was detained for being a Malay Christian convert.
Yeshua's affidavit
One might pose this question to our former premier. How was Yeshua a threat to national security during that particular moment in time?
His affidavit at his habeas corpus hearing in October 1988 is surely comparable to what was inflicted on the Guantanamo detainees:
"I was not allowed to sleep for days at a stretch and was warned that I would not get any food if I did not cooperate.
One Inspector Yusoff also threatened to disturb my girlfriend if I did not give any information. I was assaulted by Inspectors Yusoff, Zainuddin, Ayub and another officer on a number of occasions.
On one occasion I was knocked to the ground and injured my back. Since then, I have been passing blood in my urine and have been suffering from pains in my lower back constantly...
On another occasion during interrogation, Inspector Yusoff forced me to strip naked and to enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Inspector Yusoff also forced me to crawl on the floor in a naked state...
A police constable forced me to stand on one leg with both my arms outstretched holding my slippers. He made me remain in this position for two hours. He then called in a woman constable and her young daughter and asked them to look at me saying: "This Malay is not aware of who he is. He changed his religion. He has no shame!" (Kua, K.S., "445 Days Behind the Wire",1999: 194)
Is there any wonder the Malaysian government has still not ratified the Convention against Torture?
If Mahathir is so incensed about the US torturing detainees, why didn't he ratify the Convention against Torture during his watch?
Terror, tool of the ruling class
Fact 5: The ISA has been a convenient tool to be used by the ruling BN coalition against detractors
The primary function of the ISA is to terrorise Malaysians. We have all grown up in the terrorising shadow of the ISA - the solitary confinement, the torture with impunity, the renewable years of detention.
When I was sent to Kamunting detention camp on Dec 27, 1987, my roommate was Loh Ming Liang - he had been detained for 16 years.
Such deterrence is part of the terrorising intent of the ISA.
The ISA is clearly a blatant abuse of human rights and has no place in a society that claims to be morally and spiritually upright.
KUA KIA SOONG is the director of human rights movement Suaram. He was detained under ISA in 1987 and wrote about his experience in '445 Days Behind the Wire'.
Throughout his autocratic reign, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad displayed contempt for the rule of law.
Some say he was ignorant of this principle of democratic governance, confounding it with "rule by law".
His frontal assault on the Malaysian judiciary in 1988 was an embarrassment for the nation so much so that his successor had to atone for this injury to "national security" 20 years later.
He tries in vain to justify his use of this "Insidious Suppression Apparatus" (ISA) especially during Operation Lalang.
He claims that he was trying to save the nation from a catastrophic clash because Umno was threatening to hold a million-strong demonstration, that leaders of both sides of the political divide were detained and "as soon as that threat passed, the detainees were released..."
As a human rights watcher since the 1960s and a victim of Operation Lalang myself, allow me to expose some gross misrepresentation of the facts by the former premier:
'White terror' unleashed
Fact 1: What did Umno want to demonstrate against to warrant a million-strong force?
As I told my Special Branch interrogators, the freedom of assembly extends as far as the police are capable of handling the demonstration in question.
From what Mahathir has said, it seems clear that Umno (and he was the Umno chief) was bent on creating terror.
The million-strong Umno demonstration did not happen because it had been orchestrated, just as May 13, 1969 was orchestrated.
We had a glimpse of what Umno was capable of doing when a few hundred Umno Youth members demonstrated outside the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall over the Suqiu issue on Aug 18, 2000 and threatened to burn down the assembly hall.
On Oct 27, 1987, Operation Lalang was unleashed to create this "white terror" and it did the job to allow Mahathir to launch his assault on the judiciary and to solve the Umno dilemma posed by the challenge of Team B in Umno.Chopped logic in ISA
Fact 2: Why was I and many others detained under Operation Lalang?
Mahathir claims the ISA is a preventive law "to be applied before a crime is committed."
That was why people like me, Prof Chandra Muzaffar, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Nasir Hashim and a hundred or more others were detained?
"Okay, I told my special branch tormentors, If you say my book was a threat to national security, then ban it! You can't say the book is fine but then arrest me for being a threat to national security!"
I pointed out that Mahathir's Malay Dilemma was banned because it was considered unsavoury to the Tunku's administration but it wasn't banned.
Do you see the chop logic of the ISA justifications?
Clearly, from talking to the other detainees during Operation Lalang, the ISA was used to punish us all for not falling in line with the Barisan Nasional.
In fact, part of the so-called 'rehabilitation' by the special branch was to encourage me to emigrate and stop being a thorn in the side of the Mahathir regime.
So much for 1Malaysia and trying to attract Malaysians back to our country.
Fact 3: Why were no BN leaders sent to the Kamunting Detention Camp?
Selective amnesia
Mahathir appears to be suffering from the common complaint among the ruling elite - selective amnesia. He said, "As soon as the threat passed, the detainees were released."
How can we expect young Malaysians to take an interest in history and human rights if a former prime minister tells such blatant untruths?
During my 60 days of solitary confinement, that was the line I took with my special branch tormentors: "Okay, assuming you are right about detaining us...Now that the so-called crisis is over, shouldn't we be released?"
The rest of us who were being punished for being dissidents were sent on two-year orders to Kamunting.
There was not a single BN leader sent to Kamunting even though the MCA and Gerakan supported the Chinese associations over the Chinese schools issue.
Clearly, one is considered a threat to national security only if one is opposed to the BN.
Then again, there is a difference in treatment meted out to detainees from the BN and the rest of us.
I happened to be in the next cell to a datuk from the BN and I could hear his high spirits every time he was brought back from "questioning".
Clearly, while the rest of us were subjected to harrowing questioning and some, even horrendous torture, these BN detainees were being taken out and feted.
Torture one, feed the other
Fact 4: Torture under the ISA has been going on for years, including under Operation Lalang.
Mahathir chides the US for torturing their detainees. Does he not know that the Malaysian police have been torturing detainees for years?
One of the earliest documents I have seen is this excerpt from a statement by "political prisoners of Kawasan A, B, and C" dated May 1, 1969, Batu Gajah Detention Camp:
"1. We political detainees have undergone days and nights of endless interrogation which have inflicted grave toll on the mental condition of many detainees;
2. During interrogation, we have been handcuffed, had our abdominal parts kicked, our heads bashed against the wall until they bled, and some have had to be hospitalised;
3. We have had needles stuck in our fingernails and pencils used to squeeze our fingers between them;
4. We have been burnt with cigarette lighters and hit with elastic bands; some have had nails inserted into their genitals;
5. We have been asked to strip off our pants and to sit on open bottles;
6. We have been made to take off our clothing and to stand before fans and air conditioners until we have passed out;
7. The Banishment Law has been invoked to force political detainees out of the country, while those who do not accept banishment are kept on long-term detentions.
8. We political prisoners here have been detained for between four to eight years without trial;
9. The riot squad has been mobilised to storm our detention camp in order to force those who have refused to wear handcuffs when they leave the camp to do so. In the process, there has been bloodshed;
10. Health and medical services are very poor in the camp. Those who leave for hospital treatment are forced to be handcuffed. After nine o'clock, we are forced into hot and stuffy cells..."
On Mahathir's own watch during the Operation Lalang he unleashed, and this is the affidavit of Yeshua Jamaluddin, who was detained for being a Malay Christian convert.
Yeshua's affidavit
One might pose this question to our former premier. How was Yeshua a threat to national security during that particular moment in time?
His affidavit at his habeas corpus hearing in October 1988 is surely comparable to what was inflicted on the Guantanamo detainees:
"I was not allowed to sleep for days at a stretch and was warned that I would not get any food if I did not cooperate.
On one occasion I was knocked to the ground and injured my back. Since then, I have been passing blood in my urine and have been suffering from pains in my lower back constantly...
On another occasion during interrogation, Inspector Yusoff forced me to strip naked and to enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Inspector Yusoff also forced me to crawl on the floor in a naked state...
A police constable forced me to stand on one leg with both my arms outstretched holding my slippers. He made me remain in this position for two hours. He then called in a woman constable and her young daughter and asked them to look at me saying: "This Malay is not aware of who he is. He changed his religion. He has no shame!" (Kua, K.S., "445 Days Behind the Wire",1999: 194)
Is there any wonder the Malaysian government has still not ratified the Convention against Torture?
If Mahathir is so incensed about the US torturing detainees, why didn't he ratify the Convention against Torture during his watch?
Terror, tool of the ruling class
Fact 5: The ISA has been a convenient tool to be used by the ruling BN coalition against detractors
The primary function of the ISA is to terrorise Malaysians. We have all grown up in the terrorising shadow of the ISA - the solitary confinement, the torture with impunity, the renewable years of detention.
When I was sent to Kamunting detention camp on Dec 27, 1987, my roommate was Loh Ming Liang - he had been detained for 16 years.
Such deterrence is part of the terrorising intent of the ISA.
The ISA is clearly a blatant abuse of human rights and has no place in a society that claims to be morally and spiritually upright.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Kuota Kaum India ? Bukan dah 1 Malaysia ???
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mahu Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) dan Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) menyegerakan sasaran pengambilan 7.4 peratus kaum India dalam perkhidmatan awam, kata Naib Presiden MIC, Datuk S. Subramaniam hari ini.
Subramaniam berkata, di samping itu, lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan akan diwujudkan kepada kaum India di syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC).
Perdana menteri juga, tambahnya turut mengarahkan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa kursus prauniversiti bagi membolehkan lebih ramai
pelajar, khususnya kaum India, memasuki universiti awam, lapor Bernama.
Subramaniam berkata adalah antara hasil mesyuarat ketiga jawatankuasa kabinet mengenai hal ehwal kaum India yang dipengerusikan Najib semalam.
Dalam mesyuarat tersebut, katanya, najib mengarahkan beberapa jabatan dan agensi kerajaan berkaitan, supaya menangani segera isu-isu yang membabitkan kaum India.
Dalam mesyuarat itu juga, kata Subramaniam, beberapa itu sosial, ekonomi dan pendidikan membabitkan kaum India yang telah berlanjutan dan tertangguh, kini selesai hasil campur tangan perdana menteri.
"Kami (MIC) membangkitkan beberapa perkara untuk diluluskan dan kebanyakan daripada perkara itu mendapat persetujuan perdana menteri," kata menteri sumber
manusia itu dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata kementeriannya, yang bertindak sebagai sekretariat bagi jawatankuasa kabinet itu, akan segera membuat tindakan susulan dengan jabatan dan agensi berkenaan.
Mengenai pembangunan semula sekolah-sekolah Tamil, Dr Subramaniam berkata Najib telah meluluskan, secara dasarnya beberapa peruntukan tambahan berikutan peningkatan kos yang terbabit dalam kerja-kerja pembangunan semula.
Beliau berkata perdana menteri mengarahkan Kementerian Kewangan, Kementerian Pelajaran dan Kementerian Kerja Raya untuk berbincang dengan Unit Perancang Ekonomi bagi mencari jalan mengatasi kos tambahan sebanyak RM65 juta yang
melebihi peruntukan asal RM100 juta bagi tujuan itu.
Jawapan : 1sahaja jawapannya, iaitu "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin".
Subramaniam berkata, di samping itu, lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan akan diwujudkan kepada kaum India di syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC).
Perdana menteri juga, tambahnya turut mengarahkan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa kursus prauniversiti bagi membolehkan lebih ramai
pelajar, khususnya kaum India, memasuki universiti awam, lapor Bernama.
Subramaniam berkata adalah antara hasil mesyuarat ketiga jawatankuasa kabinet mengenai hal ehwal kaum India yang dipengerusikan Najib semalam.
Dalam mesyuarat tersebut, katanya, najib mengarahkan beberapa jabatan dan agensi kerajaan berkaitan, supaya menangani segera isu-isu yang membabitkan kaum India.
Dalam mesyuarat itu juga, kata Subramaniam, beberapa itu sosial, ekonomi dan pendidikan membabitkan kaum India yang telah berlanjutan dan tertangguh, kini selesai hasil campur tangan perdana menteri.
"Kami (MIC) membangkitkan beberapa perkara untuk diluluskan dan kebanyakan daripada perkara itu mendapat persetujuan perdana menteri," kata menteri sumber
manusia itu dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau berkata kementeriannya, yang bertindak sebagai sekretariat bagi jawatankuasa kabinet itu, akan segera membuat tindakan susulan dengan jabatan dan agensi berkenaan.
Mengenai pembangunan semula sekolah-sekolah Tamil, Dr Subramaniam berkata Najib telah meluluskan, secara dasarnya beberapa peruntukan tambahan berikutan peningkatan kos yang terbabit dalam kerja-kerja pembangunan semula.
Beliau berkata perdana menteri mengarahkan Kementerian Kewangan, Kementerian Pelajaran dan Kementerian Kerja Raya untuk berbincang dengan Unit Perancang Ekonomi bagi mencari jalan mengatasi kos tambahan sebanyak RM65 juta yang
melebihi peruntukan asal RM100 juta bagi tujuan itu.
Soalan saya : Bukankah dasarnya 1Malaysia yang membawa definisi 1Bangsa 1Negara & tiada perbezaan warna kulit ? Kalau ya, kenapa diagihkan kuota sesama Rakyat Malaysia ???
Dr. M answers ISA, Ops Lalang
By Malaysiakini.
In his latest blog posting, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has touched on a topic which could be considered close to his heart - the Internal Security Act or ISA for short.
"Having released people and having detained people under the ISA, I think I know something about this act and its application," he had pointed out at the onset of his argument.
Mahathir noted that while it was important to remember that the ISA was a preventive law, he however conceded that it had been used in the past to silent dissent.
Turning the clock back all the way to the 1960s, the 84-year-old statesman recalled how freedom fighter and politician Abdul Aziz Ishak was incarcerated under the law which allows for detention without trial.
Known to always be two steps ahead of his adversaries, the former premier beat those who might pop the question, 'What about those you arrested?'
Ops Lalang: Why I did it
And as for the infamous Operasi Lalang in 1987 during his tenure which witnessed scores of opposition politicians and activists being hauled away to the gulag, Mahathir had an excuse.
"At this point visitors to this blog are likely to say I did the same. I admit I did detain people under the ISA in the 1987 Ops Lalang. But it was not because they were members of the opposition.
"The police had informed me that there was likely to be racial clashes over the issue of Chinese education and the intention of some Umno members to hold a million-strong demonstration in Kuala Lumpur," he reasoned.
"The people detained were not only members of the opposition but included Umno members. As soon as the threat passed, the detainees were released. The issue was not political opposition to the government but the threat to national security," he added.
Mahathir, who stepped down in 2003 after helming the nation and Umno for 22 years, also said that he did not expect his detractors to accept the above explanation.
"But that is normal," he added. "Detractors would never admit to being wrong."
Mahathir also said that he found it odd that some who were detained under the ISA, now supported this preventive law.
"I am sure they don't support abuses of the law though," he added.
Hypocritical critics
Shifting his focus to the international arena, Mahathir said the tag team of George W Bush and Tony Blair did not hesitate to detain so-called suspects without even being sanctioned by any law.
"They were so critical about our ISA before but not only did they detain thousands of so-called suspects, they actually tortured the detainees when they felt threats to their security.
"The so-called protagonists of human rights were clearly critical when others resorted to preventive detention. When they felt threatened they not only detained people but they did this without any law which provided for such an act," he said.
And just because "our critics were hypocrites", Mahathir said it did not mean that Malaysia should retain the ISA.
But he stressed that preventive detention was vital in this country in order to keep racist extremists in check.
"Without this threat, racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country. That extreme racialism could lead to violence was not something we could take lightly.
"We must value our stability because it has made it possible for this country to develop much faster than other countries," he said.
Clear-cut provision
Mahathir was also not in favour of the ISA being replaced by a court hearing.
"In Malaysia, courts take a long time to pass judgment, months or even years. By then the violence would have taken place, i.e. the court action would have failed to achieve the prevention that the law was meant for," he said.
However, he concurred that there was a need to review the ISA.
"I don't think it should be done away with but there must be a clear cut provision as to when it could be used. We cannot have people being detained for three days and then released because the detention was for the detainee's safety," he said.
Mahathir suggested that the detention period could be shortened from two years to one while the six monthly review "be carried out by properly qualified individuals who have the country's interest at heart besides a desire to maintain human rights."
In his latest blog posting, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has touched on a topic which could be considered close to his heart - the Internal Security Act or ISA for short.
Mahathir noted that while it was important to remember that the ISA was a preventive law, he however conceded that it had been used in the past to silent dissent.
Turning the clock back all the way to the 1960s, the 84-year-old statesman recalled how freedom fighter and politician Abdul Aziz Ishak was incarcerated under the law which allows for detention without trial.
Known to always be two steps ahead of his adversaries, the former premier beat those who might pop the question, 'What about those you arrested?'
Ops Lalang: Why I did it
And as for the infamous Operasi Lalang in 1987 during his tenure which witnessed scores of opposition politicians and activists being hauled away to the gulag, Mahathir had an excuse.
"At this point visitors to this blog are likely to say I did the same. I admit I did detain people under the ISA in the 1987 Ops Lalang. But it was not because they were members of the opposition.
"The police had informed me that there was likely to be racial clashes over the issue of Chinese education and the intention of some Umno members to hold a million-strong demonstration in Kuala Lumpur," he reasoned.
"The people detained were not only members of the opposition but included Umno members. As soon as the threat passed, the detainees were released. The issue was not political opposition to the government but the threat to national security," he added.
"But that is normal," he added. "Detractors would never admit to being wrong."
Mahathir also said that he found it odd that some who were detained under the ISA, now supported this preventive law.
"I am sure they don't support abuses of the law though," he added.
Hypocritical critics
Shifting his focus to the international arena, Mahathir said the tag team of George W Bush and Tony Blair did not hesitate to detain so-called suspects without even being sanctioned by any law.
"They were so critical about our ISA before but not only did they detain thousands of so-called suspects, they actually tortured the detainees when they felt threats to their security.
"The so-called protagonists of human rights were clearly critical when others resorted to preventive detention. When they felt threatened they not only detained people but they did this without any law which provided for such an act," he said.
And just because "our critics were hypocrites", Mahathir said it did not mean that Malaysia should retain the ISA.
But he stressed that preventive detention was vital in this country in order to keep racist extremists in check.
"Without this threat, racist extremists would undermine the stability of this country. That extreme racialism could lead to violence was not something we could take lightly.
"We must value our stability because it has made it possible for this country to develop much faster than other countries," he said.
Clear-cut provision
Mahathir was also not in favour of the ISA being replaced by a court hearing.
"In Malaysia, courts take a long time to pass judgment, months or even years. By then the violence would have taken place, i.e. the court action would have failed to achieve the prevention that the law was meant for," he said.
However, he concurred that there was a need to review the ISA.
"I don't think it should be done away with but there must be a clear cut provision as to when it could be used. We cannot have people being detained for three days and then released because the detention was for the detainee's safety," he said.
Mahathir suggested that the detention period could be shortened from two years to one while the six monthly review "be carried out by properly qualified individuals who have the country's interest at heart besides a desire to maintain human rights."
Nik Aziz, take out the 'trash'
Comment from Malaysiakini readers.....
'Katak oh katak, you are not even fit to wipe the dust off Tok Guru's shoes. Who are you to ask him to resign? He was being gracious to say you are full of rubbish.'
Quit call: Nik Aziz hits back at Ibrahim Ali
Ngawangjimpa: (Pasir Mas MP) Ibrahim Ali, I can only describe you as a politician who digs your own grave before the next election comes around. How can you be so stupid to desert PAS and speak badly about the very party that resurrected your political fortune?
Concern: I am away from the country for some time, but keep track of current affairs. As a Chinese I used to have negative thoughts of PAS who rule Kelantan but not now. If I am to vote for the prime minister of Malaysia, I will vote for (PAS spiritual leader and Kelantan MB) Nik Aziz Nik Mat as he is one of the last good men in politics.
Schumy: Mr Katak, you are one ungrateful amphibian. A frog without principles, you should always remain as a frog. You took advantage of an old man who was sincere to let you contest with a hope that you will change, but a frog is still a frog.
DC: In which way is Kelantan under developed? More tall buildings, more convention centres, more construction, and population displacement so that all the politicians can fill in their pockets?
Basically we need more humane development in the personalities (politicians) that carry out their functions for the public.
Disgusted: Katak oh katak, you are not even fit to wipe the dust off Tok Guru's shoes. Who are you to ask him to resign? He was being gracious to say you are full of rubbish.
Wira: If Ibrahim Ali is really interested in the welfare of Kelantan, he should champion the return of some RM1 billion oil royalty to the state from which he is one of the MPs. Unfortunately, his character and behaviour are undeniably Umno-like. So I guess he is just waiting for the opportunity and moment to return from where he came.
Geronimo: The two 'Alis', Hasan Ali and Ibrahim Ali, both formerly from Umno and both thorns on the Pakatan Rakyat sides, should be taken out to sea and fed to the sharks.
Why can't they just be a little appreciative for what PAS have done for them? Ingrates, that's what they are. We certainly do not wish to see the likes of them come the 13th general election.
Art Chan: "What is the use of being young but a load of rubbish?" I like this statement very much. Nik Aziz is so very correct.
Kmsundram: Hello! Ibrahim Ali, you stood on the PAS ticket and won. You are a man without principles and self-respect. If you vacate your seat and contest on a independent or BN ticket, I guarantee you will lose.
Jeremy Tankh: Not just Pasir Mas MP Ibrahim Ali, anyone for the matter, who stood under a political party banner in a previous election, to which he or she is no more affiliate or "friendly" should resign and seek re-election.
If not allowed by the current law, then he or she should resign and just wait it out. Malaysian politicians should have this basic integrity, especially one such as this self-proclaimed godly man like Ibrahim Ali. Otherwise, the rakyat should rid the nation off these parasites comes next election.
'Katak oh katak, you are not even fit to wipe the dust off Tok Guru's shoes. Who are you to ask him to resign? He was being gracious to say you are full of rubbish.'
Quit call: Nik Aziz hits back at Ibrahim Ali
Ngawangjimpa: (Pasir Mas MP) Ibrahim Ali, I can only describe you as a politician who digs your own grave before the next election comes around. How can you be so stupid to desert PAS and speak badly about the very party that resurrected your political fortune?
Concern: I am away from the country for some time, but keep track of current affairs. As a Chinese I used to have negative thoughts of PAS who rule Kelantan but not now. If I am to vote for the prime minister of Malaysia, I will vote for (PAS spiritual leader and Kelantan MB) Nik Aziz Nik Mat as he is one of the last good men in politics.
Schumy: Mr Katak, you are one ungrateful amphibian. A frog without principles, you should always remain as a frog. You took advantage of an old man who was sincere to let you contest with a hope that you will change, but a frog is still a frog.
DC: In which way is Kelantan under developed? More tall buildings, more convention centres, more construction, and population displacement so that all the politicians can fill in their pockets?
Basically we need more humane development in the personalities (politicians) that carry out their functions for the public.
Disgusted: Katak oh katak, you are not even fit to wipe the dust off Tok Guru's shoes. Who are you to ask him to resign? He was being gracious to say you are full of rubbish.
Wira: If Ibrahim Ali is really interested in the welfare of Kelantan, he should champion the return of some RM1 billion oil royalty to the state from which he is one of the MPs. Unfortunately, his character and behaviour are undeniably Umno-like. So I guess he is just waiting for the opportunity and moment to return from where he came.
Geronimo: The two 'Alis', Hasan Ali and Ibrahim Ali, both formerly from Umno and both thorns on the Pakatan Rakyat sides, should be taken out to sea and fed to the sharks.
Why can't they just be a little appreciative for what PAS have done for them? Ingrates, that's what they are. We certainly do not wish to see the likes of them come the 13th general election.
Art Chan: "What is the use of being young but a load of rubbish?" I like this statement very much. Nik Aziz is so very correct.
Kmsundram: Hello! Ibrahim Ali, you stood on the PAS ticket and won. You are a man without principles and self-respect. If you vacate your seat and contest on a independent or BN ticket, I guarantee you will lose.
Jeremy Tankh: Not just Pasir Mas MP Ibrahim Ali, anyone for the matter, who stood under a political party banner in a previous election, to which he or she is no more affiliate or "friendly" should resign and seek re-election.
If not allowed by the current law, then he or she should resign and just wait it out. Malaysian politicians should have this basic integrity, especially one such as this self-proclaimed godly man like Ibrahim Ali. Otherwise, the rakyat should rid the nation off these parasites comes next election.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430 Hijrah
Assalamualaikum, salam lebaran. Di kala Syawal menjelma, gemilang sebulan berpuasa kini tiba ke kemuncak. Muslimin dan muslimat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430 Hijrah. Minal Eidin walfaizin wal maqbulin, saya memohon ampun maaf seandainya terlanjur kata dan perbuatan.
Semoga kehadiran bulan Syawal dapat menginsafkan kita akan kebenaran dan menyemarakkan lagi semangat serta komitmen Rakyat untuk terus memungkinkan Reformasi yang Total buat Malaysia bagi membawa harapan yang terang untuk generasi akan datang.
Salam Aidilfitri ! Salam Reformasi !
Semoga kehadiran bulan Syawal dapat menginsafkan kita akan kebenaran dan menyemarakkan lagi semangat serta komitmen Rakyat untuk terus memungkinkan Reformasi yang Total buat Malaysia bagi membawa harapan yang terang untuk generasi akan datang.
Salam Aidilfitri ! Salam Reformasi !
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Salam Lebaran dari Anwar Ibrahim Club
Monday, September 14, 2009
Program DSAI Sepanjang Minggu ini
iii) 10.00 – 12.00 MALAM – CERAMAH PERDANA
iii) 10.00 – 12.00 MALAM – CERAMAH PERDANA
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wawancara bersama Setiausaha Kerajaan Umno-BN, Sidek Hassan
Hazlan Zakaria
Sep 11, 09
"I am not denying that," Sidek said, when answering questions by Malaysiakini during an interview at his office in Putrajaya on Tuesday.But Sidek (right) said that most government servants are just trying to do the best they can.
The top civil servant commended the media organisations on their reports highlighting various lapses in the civil service and encouraged them to continue to chastising those who are deemed to be 'political' in performing their jobs.
However, he said credit should be given where it is due and the top civil servant said he also hoped that the alternative media would give kudos to the majority of civil servants who have done a 'good job'.
Sidek argued that everyone wants a pat on the back once in a while, even golfers like Tiger Woods and Greg Norman, and so do the civil servants.
In the interview, the chief secretary addressed some of the public's concerns about the service, especially areas concerning efficiency and corruption.
The following is part 2 of Malaysiakini's interview with Chief Secretary to the government Sidek Hassan
Malaysiakini: By and large, 99 percent of the civil servants are doing the best job that they can do, but the perception is the one percent are political. For example in cases against the opposition, investigations will completed in 24 hours, charged in 36 hours. But if the cases is against another person, it takes a long time. So, despite the claim about being professional, when it is a political matter, there are some issues.
Sidek: Focus on what you said, 'by and the large civil service are okay, 99 percent'. That will make my day.
But the one percent is still political?
That's right.
Fair enough we recognise the 99 percent.
And you also 'bambu' (chastise) the one percent.
We still need to deal with that one percent or 10 percent or whatever it is.
Of course. I am not denying that, whatever percentage, 'yang tak betul, tak betul la' (what is not right, is not right).
Are there any safeguards for senior civil servants like DGs (director denerals) and sec-gens (secretary generals) when they retire. We notice a lot of senior civil servants, after retiring, getting directorships in companies which they had a lot of dealings with at the time they were in office. Is there any directive that they are not allowed to join certain companies?
Not at the moment, except maybe for certain posts.
For example, the toll concessions or any other kind of licensing or concessions where DGs and sec-gens play a major role, would it not be a good idea - to avoid corruption and conflict of interest - that they are prevented from joining and receiving directorships from these companies after their retirement?
Let us be professional about the whole thing... I give you an example. If you are in the government, if that is the case that your point is, then you shouldn't be getting anyone from the private sector joining the government now, or anyone from the government joining the private sector. Or we shouldn't have any consultant at all. Because deep in our mind, we think that people cannot be professional. You don't trust them.
If you start from that premise, then we shouldn't allow anyone, say for example, from a cross exchange programme. Say for example, in your case you are so good a person, we would like you to join the government, but better don't because you bring the Malaysiakini mentality here. Is that what you are saying? That we cannot trust people?
We should be professional enough to say that if you join someone, that is where your loyalty lies. I mean if I for example, were to leave the government, and I join you. The reason I join you is because I think that I will add value to it, to contribute a person has to have that character. That's it.
You couldn't say, 'we shouldn't because then he will bring all the government influence', that should not be the case and vice versa.
If I am a director-general and I am going to retire in one year's time. Somebody comes and say, look help me with this and I will take care of you upon retirement. Wouldn't there be a temptation?
As much as there would be temptation for people joining the government now. Are you trying to say that, it is not good? Let us take the best in people.
In many countries there's practices like 'gardening' leave, when you are about to retire and you spend an 'x' number of years not involved with companies you have dealt with.
In our area are there any other countries... Singapore doing that? I think Singapore is a good model. In terms of the efficiency of the civil service. Is Singapore doing that?
From a public perception, during the toll concession issue, it was found out that former director-generals are now sitting on the board of toll concessionaires. The person involved, may not be corrupt, and maybe he is good. But the question is about public perspective. Is this an area of concern?
Maybe that is something you can look at, but I think people should be professional and have enough integrity.
It's one thing to say that you require people to be professional, but we also need to set up a system to ensure that they are professional. If the system is not there, and there are no rules and regulations, chances are there will be instances of temptations that they will not be professional.
But even if you don't, assuming that we don't allow, but if someone is a naughty guy, he can do a lot of other things and be naughty and not do that. You follow me?
So basically you have to have a system where you encourage people to be good and you trust them to be good, and we train them to be good, it's a whole culture.
There is the argument that the civil service is bloated partly because it includes a lot of graduates who finds it hard to find employment elsewhere - that the civil service is a last resort for them to be absorbed. Is there any truth to that argument?
During certain times, yes. When the economy is bad, when they cannot get employment elsewhere and it is important that people get employment. We are experiencing economic difficulties in the world. Other countries are doing that, including developed countries.
Therefore in the context where businesses, the private sector are not absorbing as many, (and) in fact some of them are discharging a number of their long time employees. Someone needs to take them up.
So just like the central bank is a bank of last resort, a lender of last resort, the government is perhaps a last resort for people to get employment. If they don't get employment, they become a social problem.
But the issue is that the civil service is less efficient. The people are there, but not being utilised properly. In other countries, they do more with less. Can Malaysia do that?
That argument is right, it applies to any sector of the economy, be it in the public service, be it in the private sector, or be it at home. I don't have a maid at home. Somehow my wife does not believe in having a maid, but I have two children who are still with us at home. And sometimes, my wife says, she can do with more help from the children.
But as far as the public service is concerned, we have been trying, to work much smarter, as you said. We want to do that. And I for one have been pushing for that. And that's how our country can be competitive. Not only the public sector has to work smarter, the private sector has to do that, and at home, we must do that. So it applies to everyone.
Have you had any successes so far, in forcing the civil servants to be a little bit more productive?
I believe so, and it starts from my office, generally I think, we have done well, we have tried to improve. Granted, we can do much better. Much as for example our country can do much better. Our country, meaning not only the public sector, but also the private sector can do much better.
The prime minister recently appointed Idris Jala to be minister so he is in the civil service, do you see a possibility of more senior people from the private sector brought into the ministries?
We have been doing that. The prime minister also announced in April, there is an exchange of officials, our officials, 20 of them going into the private sector, particularly GLCs (government-linked companies) and about the same number of people, coming from GLCs into the government, that is one of the programmes. This would allow cross fertilisation of ideas and best practices.
Tan Sri, how far do you think this will be effective, because the government is known to have this inertia of a giant bureaucracy, and we are having 'hotshots' from the corporate world coming in at management level. At the Ministry of Agriculture at one time, Effendi Nawawi tried to corporatise the ministry. In the end, the measures fell to pieces. With that as a benchmark, how far do you think this will go?
We have to start somewhere, we follow the British model, in fact our Malaysian civil service was a throwback to the British time here. And the British are changing themselves too. And when they first changed, it was not as if all went very smooth sailing, so it has been the same thing, we are learning from them.
I think that, in spite what people might say, our country has done very well. Not only relative to the countries in this region, but worldwide, I think we can be benchmarked.
And the reason is because the public service has done well, of course the leadership is good, our government has been good, but beyond that, the public service has been supportive of the government. We are ahead of the curve, so to speak.
For example even after and during the Asian financial crisis, 97-98, we have come up and we have done things differently from what the norm was, that's why we have been able to come out pretty well.
Even right now for example, as our countries are experiencing economic difficulties, our country has done much better than many others, and that is because the government and the public service have done well.
About what you said with the experience in the Ministry of Agriculture, well there were many successes as well. And I do hope and I firmly believe, that we can succeed in this endeavour that we
Sep 11, 09
Chief secretary to the government Sidek Hassan conceded that there are elements in the civil service who are politically influenced in the course of their duties.

The top civil servant commended the media organisations on their reports highlighting various lapses in the civil service and encouraged them to continue to chastising those who are deemed to be 'political' in performing their jobs.
However, he said credit should be given where it is due and the top civil servant said he also hoped that the alternative media would give kudos to the majority of civil servants who have done a 'good job'.
Sidek argued that everyone wants a pat on the back once in a while, even golfers like Tiger Woods and Greg Norman, and so do the civil servants.
In the interview, the chief secretary addressed some of the public's concerns about the service, especially areas concerning efficiency and corruption.
The following is part 2 of Malaysiakini's interview with Chief Secretary to the government Sidek Hassan
Malaysiakini: By and large, 99 percent of the civil servants are doing the best job that they can do, but the perception is the one percent are political. For example in cases against the opposition, investigations will completed in 24 hours, charged in 36 hours. But if the cases is against another person, it takes a long time. So, despite the claim about being professional, when it is a political matter, there are some issues.
Sidek: Focus on what you said, 'by and the large civil service are okay, 99 percent'. That will make my day.
But the one percent is still political?
That's right.
Fair enough we recognise the 99 percent.
And you also 'bambu' (chastise) the one percent.
We still need to deal with that one percent or 10 percent or whatever it is.
Of course. I am not denying that, whatever percentage, 'yang tak betul, tak betul la' (what is not right, is not right).
Are there any safeguards for senior civil servants like DGs (director denerals) and sec-gens (secretary generals) when they retire. We notice a lot of senior civil servants, after retiring, getting directorships in companies which they had a lot of dealings with at the time they were in office. Is there any directive that they are not allowed to join certain companies?
Not at the moment, except maybe for certain posts.
For example, the toll concessions or any other kind of licensing or concessions where DGs and sec-gens play a major role, would it not be a good idea - to avoid corruption and conflict of interest - that they are prevented from joining and receiving directorships from these companies after their retirement?
Let us be professional about the whole thing... I give you an example. If you are in the government, if that is the case that your point is, then you shouldn't be getting anyone from the private sector joining the government now, or anyone from the government joining the private sector. Or we shouldn't have any consultant at all. Because deep in our mind, we think that people cannot be professional. You don't trust them.
If you start from that premise, then we shouldn't allow anyone, say for example, from a cross exchange programme. Say for example, in your case you are so good a person, we would like you to join the government, but better don't because you bring the Malaysiakini mentality here. Is that what you are saying? That we cannot trust people?
We should be professional enough to say that if you join someone, that is where your loyalty lies. I mean if I for example, were to leave the government, and I join you. The reason I join you is because I think that I will add value to it, to contribute a person has to have that character. That's it.
You couldn't say, 'we shouldn't because then he will bring all the government influence', that should not be the case and vice versa.
If I am a director-general and I am going to retire in one year's time. Somebody comes and say, look help me with this and I will take care of you upon retirement. Wouldn't there be a temptation?
As much as there would be temptation for people joining the government now. Are you trying to say that, it is not good? Let us take the best in people.
In many countries there's practices like 'gardening' leave, when you are about to retire and you spend an 'x' number of years not involved with companies you have dealt with.
In our area are there any other countries... Singapore doing that? I think Singapore is a good model. In terms of the efficiency of the civil service. Is Singapore doing that?
From a public perception, during the toll concession issue, it was found out that former director-generals are now sitting on the board of toll concessionaires. The person involved, may not be corrupt, and maybe he is good. But the question is about public perspective. Is this an area of concern?
Maybe that is something you can look at, but I think people should be professional and have enough integrity.
It's one thing to say that you require people to be professional, but we also need to set up a system to ensure that they are professional. If the system is not there, and there are no rules and regulations, chances are there will be instances of temptations that they will not be professional.
But even if you don't, assuming that we don't allow, but if someone is a naughty guy, he can do a lot of other things and be naughty and not do that. You follow me?
So basically you have to have a system where you encourage people to be good and you trust them to be good, and we train them to be good, it's a whole culture.
There is the argument that the civil service is bloated partly because it includes a lot of graduates who finds it hard to find employment elsewhere - that the civil service is a last resort for them to be absorbed. Is there any truth to that argument?
During certain times, yes. When the economy is bad, when they cannot get employment elsewhere and it is important that people get employment. We are experiencing economic difficulties in the world. Other countries are doing that, including developed countries.
Therefore in the context where businesses, the private sector are not absorbing as many, (and) in fact some of them are discharging a number of their long time employees. Someone needs to take them up.
So just like the central bank is a bank of last resort, a lender of last resort, the government is perhaps a last resort for people to get employment. If they don't get employment, they become a social problem.
But the issue is that the civil service is less efficient. The people are there, but not being utilised properly. In other countries, they do more with less. Can Malaysia do that?
That argument is right, it applies to any sector of the economy, be it in the public service, be it in the private sector, or be it at home. I don't have a maid at home. Somehow my wife does not believe in having a maid, but I have two children who are still with us at home. And sometimes, my wife says, she can do with more help from the children.
But as far as the public service is concerned, we have been trying, to work much smarter, as you said. We want to do that. And I for one have been pushing for that. And that's how our country can be competitive. Not only the public sector has to work smarter, the private sector has to do that, and at home, we must do that. So it applies to everyone.
Have you had any successes so far, in forcing the civil servants to be a little bit more productive?
I believe so, and it starts from my office, generally I think, we have done well, we have tried to improve. Granted, we can do much better. Much as for example our country can do much better. Our country, meaning not only the public sector, but also the private sector can do much better.
The prime minister recently appointed Idris Jala to be minister so he is in the civil service, do you see a possibility of more senior people from the private sector brought into the ministries?
We have been doing that. The prime minister also announced in April, there is an exchange of officials, our officials, 20 of them going into the private sector, particularly GLCs (government-linked companies) and about the same number of people, coming from GLCs into the government, that is one of the programmes. This would allow cross fertilisation of ideas and best practices.
Tan Sri, how far do you think this will be effective, because the government is known to have this inertia of a giant bureaucracy, and we are having 'hotshots' from the corporate world coming in at management level. At the Ministry of Agriculture at one time, Effendi Nawawi tried to corporatise the ministry. In the end, the measures fell to pieces. With that as a benchmark, how far do you think this will go?
We have to start somewhere, we follow the British model, in fact our Malaysian civil service was a throwback to the British time here. And the British are changing themselves too. And when they first changed, it was not as if all went very smooth sailing, so it has been the same thing, we are learning from them.
I think that, in spite what people might say, our country has done very well. Not only relative to the countries in this region, but worldwide, I think we can be benchmarked.
And the reason is because the public service has done well, of course the leadership is good, our government has been good, but beyond that, the public service has been supportive of the government. We are ahead of the curve, so to speak.
For example even after and during the Asian financial crisis, 97-98, we have come up and we have done things differently from what the norm was, that's why we have been able to come out pretty well.
Even right now for example, as our countries are experiencing economic difficulties, our country has done much better than many others, and that is because the government and the public service have done well.
About what you said with the experience in the Ministry of Agriculture, well there were many successes as well. And I do hope and I firmly believe, that we can succeed in this endeavour that we
Komen Rakyat terhadap Wawancara Sidek Hassan, Setiausaha Kerajaan Umno-BN
'On one hand he says civil servants have to follow the government of the day, and yet on the other hand he says the civil servants have to make judgement calls as to whether to follow the government's instructions or not.'
Top civil servant rises to Perak secretary's defence
Tan Teng Wah: Do we need Sidek Hassan to explain and defend the follies of the Umno-led blokes? We are able to see and listen for ourselves. By the way, what will the public expect when you are heading the so-called (Port Klang Free Zone) "super task force"?
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: The Pakatan Rakyat states have complained that it seems there is a directive for civil servants not to cooperate with the state government. "Oh, I am not entirely familiar with that." What is that sentence supposed to mean? That he is partly familiarly with the fact? What does he take the rakyat for? Fools? There you have it! The cat is out of the bag!
Dood: Sidek's answers and reasoning in the interview were completely unconvincing. It's pretty obvious that he was trying to appear one way ("neutral" and "professional") and yet cannot escape the fact, through his justifications, that he is giving biased answers. I mean, come on, we all know Pakatan-ruled states have complained of some uncooperative civil servants. And yet he has the cheek to say, "Oh, I am not entirely familiar with that."
And what else about his defence of the Perak secretary? On one hand, he says civil servants have to follow the government of the day, and yet on the other hand he says the civil servants have to make judgement calls as to whether to follow the government's instructions or not.
It was very clear at the time certain orders were given to the Perak secretary that the government of the day was the Pakatan one. Yet he refused to follow them but sided with the (yet-to-be-appointed) BN folks. And listening to his defence on police "neutrality", I sigh.
John Smith: First and foremost, Sidek Hassan, must come under the authority of the law. This must always be above the government, whether state or federal. Civil servants and police are not to breach the law. If the government requests something that goes against the constitution, then it is your duty to refuse to execute it.
Article 8.1 of the Federal Constitution makes all persons equal before the law and requires them to be given its equal protection. That means that despite your loyalty to the government of the day, the application of the law must be consistent between all persons, parties and states.
Selvarajoo M: I agree that all civil servants are deemed to be professionals or professionally trained. But it does not mean all these 'professionals' know how to behave like one.
It is alarming in Malaysia that rarely is any errant civil servant be held accountable or punished for mistakes made in the course of their duty. In other more countries like Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Europe, and the USA, even a retired civil servant is accountable and answerable for mistakes or crimes committed during his service.
Pm Moey: I am surprised that he still thinks that the police are not taking sides and that they have been acting professionally. I wonder where this guy's been.
Yum: Sorry, his jumbled answer to the question as to whether a civil servant is to serve the people confirms that there is a need to give Pakatan a two-thirds majority the next election. Then, they can change this ridiculous mindset.
Top civil servant rises to Perak secretary's defence
Tan Teng Wah: Do we need Sidek Hassan to explain and defend the follies of the Umno-led blokes? We are able to see and listen for ourselves. By the way, what will the public expect when you are heading the so-called (Port Klang Free Zone) "super task force"?
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: The Pakatan Rakyat states have complained that it seems there is a directive for civil servants not to cooperate with the state government. "Oh, I am not entirely familiar with that." What is that sentence supposed to mean? That he is partly familiarly with the fact? What does he take the rakyat for? Fools? There you have it! The cat is out of the bag!
Dood: Sidek's answers and reasoning in the interview were completely unconvincing. It's pretty obvious that he was trying to appear one way ("neutral" and "professional") and yet cannot escape the fact, through his justifications, that he is giving biased answers. I mean, come on, we all know Pakatan-ruled states have complained of some uncooperative civil servants. And yet he has the cheek to say, "Oh, I am not entirely familiar with that."
And what else about his defence of the Perak secretary? On one hand, he says civil servants have to follow the government of the day, and yet on the other hand he says the civil servants have to make judgement calls as to whether to follow the government's instructions or not.
It was very clear at the time certain orders were given to the Perak secretary that the government of the day was the Pakatan one. Yet he refused to follow them but sided with the (yet-to-be-appointed) BN folks. And listening to his defence on police "neutrality", I sigh.
John Smith: First and foremost, Sidek Hassan, must come under the authority of the law. This must always be above the government, whether state or federal. Civil servants and police are not to breach the law. If the government requests something that goes against the constitution, then it is your duty to refuse to execute it.
Article 8.1 of the Federal Constitution makes all persons equal before the law and requires them to be given its equal protection. That means that despite your loyalty to the government of the day, the application of the law must be consistent between all persons, parties and states.
Selvarajoo M: I agree that all civil servants are deemed to be professionals or professionally trained. But it does not mean all these 'professionals' know how to behave like one.
It is alarming in Malaysia that rarely is any errant civil servant be held accountable or punished for mistakes made in the course of their duty. In other more countries like Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Europe, and the USA, even a retired civil servant is accountable and answerable for mistakes or crimes committed during his service.
Pm Moey: I am surprised that he still thinks that the police are not taking sides and that they have been acting professionally. I wonder where this guy's been.
Yum: Sorry, his jumbled answer to the question as to whether a civil servant is to serve the people confirms that there is a need to give Pakatan a two-thirds majority the next election. Then, they can change this ridiculous mindset.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Berbuka Puasa bersama DSAI, semua dijemput.
Ramadhan menjelma lagi dan di bulan mulia ini, Anwar Ibrahim Club (AIC) Malaysia sekali lagi ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk menjemput teman & saudara sekalian ke Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Solat Tarawikh bersama Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
AIC telah mendapat undangan khas dari YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) sendiri untuk melangsungkan majlis tersebut di kediaman beliau yang beralamat di BUKIT SEGAMBUT, KUALA LUMPUR (klik di sini untuk melihat peta).
Undangan ini merupakan satu rantaian ukhwah yang terhormat buat kami di AIC kerna bukan sekadar dijemput hadir berbuka puasa lantas dipelawa untuk BERSANTAI BICARA bersama beliau pada Jumaat, 11 September 2009 bermula jam 6.00 petang hingga 7.00 petang.
Atucara adalah seperti berikut :
6.00 pm - Bicara Santai bersama DSAI.
7.16 pm - Berbuka dan solat Maghrib berjemaah.
8.25 pm - Solat Isya' dan Tarawikh
9.45 pm - Tazkirah oleh DSAI
10.15 pm - Suai kenal ahli baru & sesi ramah tamah
11.00 pm - Majlis Bersurai
Buat teman & saudara yang tidak mahu lepaskan peluang berbuka puasa, tarawikh, tazkirah dan SANTAI BICARA bersama pemimpin ulung PAKATAN RAKYAT ini, selembar karpet merah kami dahulukan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, bolehlah diemailkan kepada atau layari terus ke forum kami di
Sebarang pertanyaan, hubungi saya di email serta no telefon tertera. Kalian juga dijemput untuk membawa keluarga dan rakan-taulan bersama ke majlis yang julung kali diadakan ini.
Jumpa di sana!
012 370 5703
AIC telah mendapat undangan khas dari YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) sendiri untuk melangsungkan majlis tersebut di kediaman beliau yang beralamat di BUKIT SEGAMBUT, KUALA LUMPUR (klik di sini untuk melihat peta).
Undangan ini merupakan satu rantaian ukhwah yang terhormat buat kami di AIC kerna bukan sekadar dijemput hadir berbuka puasa lantas dipelawa untuk BERSANTAI BICARA bersama beliau pada Jumaat, 11 September 2009 bermula jam 6.00 petang hingga 7.00 petang.
Atucara adalah seperti berikut :
6.00 pm - Bicara Santai bersama DSAI.
7.16 pm - Berbuka dan solat Maghrib berjemaah.
8.25 pm - Solat Isya' dan Tarawikh
9.45 pm - Tazkirah oleh DSAI
10.15 pm - Suai kenal ahli baru & sesi ramah tamah
11.00 pm - Majlis Bersurai
Buat teman & saudara yang tidak mahu lepaskan peluang berbuka puasa, tarawikh, tazkirah dan SANTAI BICARA bersama pemimpin ulung PAKATAN RAKYAT ini, selembar karpet merah kami dahulukan.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, bolehlah diemailkan kepada atau layari terus ke forum kami di
Sebarang pertanyaan, hubungi saya di email serta no telefon tertera. Kalian juga dijemput untuk membawa keluarga dan rakan-taulan bersama ke majlis yang julung kali diadakan ini.
Jumpa di sana!
012 370 5703
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tsunami Politic Terus Bertiup, Jelas Rakyat Mahukan Perubahan !!!!!
Rakyat Malaysia terus menyatakan ketidakpuasan hati mereka dan menuntut perubahan terus berubah di bumi tercinta.
Pakatan Rakyat hari ini terus memenangi pilihanraya kecilnya yang ke-7 di Permatang Pasir dan sekaligus meraih kemenangan 100% di Semenanjung Malaysia selain PRK di Batang Ai, Sarawak.

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mengumumkan, calon PAS Mohd Salleh Man mendapat 9,618 undi, mengalahkan calon BN Rohaizat Othman dengan 5,067 undi dengan majoriti yang diraih Salleh 4,551.
Walaupun majoriti yang diperolehi menurun 882 undi, namum ia sebenarnya disebabkan penurunan jumlah keluar mengundi hampir 10% yang mewakili lebih-kurang 2,000 undi. Sudah pasti punca utama penurunan peratusan keluar mengundi adalah kerana tercapainya angkara atau propaganda Umno-BN yang mahu PRK ini diadakan pada hari kerja, Selasa agar majoriti kekalahan mereka merosot.
Alhamdulillah ! Semangat rakyat yang jitu menuntut agar perubahan terus pada direalisasikan. Rakyat juga bertekad hendak meneruskan momentum tsunami politik sejak 08 March lalu supaya dapat melihat tumbangnya Umno-BN pada pilihanraya umum ke-13 nanti. InsyaAllah !!! Salam Reformasi !!!
Pakatan Rakyat hari ini terus memenangi pilihanraya kecilnya yang ke-7 di Permatang Pasir dan sekaligus meraih kemenangan 100% di Semenanjung Malaysia selain PRK di Batang Ai, Sarawak.

Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mengumumkan, calon PAS Mohd Salleh Man mendapat 9,618 undi, mengalahkan calon BN Rohaizat Othman dengan 5,067 undi dengan majoriti yang diraih Salleh 4,551.
Walaupun majoriti yang diperolehi menurun 882 undi, namum ia sebenarnya disebabkan penurunan jumlah keluar mengundi hampir 10% yang mewakili lebih-kurang 2,000 undi. Sudah pasti punca utama penurunan peratusan keluar mengundi adalah kerana tercapainya angkara atau propaganda Umno-BN yang mahu PRK ini diadakan pada hari kerja, Selasa agar majoriti kekalahan mereka merosot.
Alhamdulillah ! Semangat rakyat yang jitu menuntut agar perubahan terus pada direalisasikan. Rakyat juga bertekad hendak meneruskan momentum tsunami politik sejak 08 March lalu supaya dapat melihat tumbangnya Umno-BN pada pilihanraya umum ke-13 nanti. InsyaAllah !!! Salam Reformasi !!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Episod Terbaru Malaysia Negara Polis, MP Gobi Diterajang & Digari
Sekali lagi kita dipertontonkan dengan wayang bagaimana Malaysia terus menjadi Negara Polis pada hari pencalonan, Pilihanraya Kecil (PRK) Permatang Pasir semalam.
Ahli Parlimen (MP) Padang Serai YB Gobalakrishnan yang melaungkan slogan semangat Pakatan Rakyat "Reformasi" dihalang dari berbuat begitu dan diterajang oleh berpuluh anggota polis sebelum digari.
Kejadian itu disaksikan beribu orang penyokong Pakatan Rakyat yang sudah pasti boleh menjadi saksi kepada kezaliman "Gengster Berlesen". Mereka menendang dan menolak YB Gobi sehingga beliau jatuh dengan cara "menutup" aksi kezaliman mereka dengan badan berpuluh anggota.
YB Gobi diberitakan (seperti dalam video) telah mengalami kecederaan dan seluar beliau turut terkoyak.
Di kala PM Najib mahu mengurangkan kadar jenayah jalanan yang dilakukan oleh "kumpulan perosak" yang haram, Najib pula membenarkan "jenayah" terang-terangan oleh "kumpulan perosak berlesen" untuk terus melakukan kezaliman !!!
Ahli Parlimen (MP) Padang Serai YB Gobalakrishnan yang melaungkan slogan semangat Pakatan Rakyat "Reformasi" dihalang dari berbuat begitu dan diterajang oleh berpuluh anggota polis sebelum digari.
Kejadian itu disaksikan beribu orang penyokong Pakatan Rakyat yang sudah pasti boleh menjadi saksi kepada kezaliman "Gengster Berlesen". Mereka menendang dan menolak YB Gobi sehingga beliau jatuh dengan cara "menutup" aksi kezaliman mereka dengan badan berpuluh anggota.
YB Gobi diberitakan (seperti dalam video) telah mengalami kecederaan dan seluar beliau turut terkoyak.
Di kala PM Najib mahu mengurangkan kadar jenayah jalanan yang dilakukan oleh "kumpulan perosak" yang haram, Najib pula membenarkan "jenayah" terang-terangan oleh "kumpulan perosak berlesen" untuk terus melakukan kezaliman !!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Kes Teoh, Pakar Patologi : Tiada Kemudahan Mengesan Cap Jari ????
Pakar Patologi yang juga merupakan Pakar Perunding Kanan Perubatan Forensik, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, Dr. Khairul Azman mengaku makmalnya tidak mempunyai kemudahan untuk mengesan cap jari !!!!!
Apakah itu satu perkara yang teramat melucukan dana memalukan ??? Di mana erti Malaysia Boleh ??? Kerajaan Malaysia pemerintahan Umno-BN yang selalu menggelar diri mereka antara perintah negara yang terbaik yang menjadi contoh negera-negara membangun, sekarang diperakui oleh doctor forensik yang berkhidmat di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, yang makmal beliau tidak mempunyai kemudahan yang saya anggap adalah kemudahan asas.
Sementara itu, Dr. Khairul Azman juga dibidas kerana tidak mengikut prosedur sedia ada, tidak mengarahkan polis untuk menjalankan ujian pengesanan cap jari !!!
Di sana saya ingin menujukan 1 soalan kepada Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Umno-BN, Dato' Seri Najib Razak, di manakah janji yang beliau lafazkan sewaktu menemui keluarga Teoh Beng Hock. Beliau berjanji kepada keluarga Teoh yang beliau akan memastikan siasatan terhadap kematian Teoh akan dijalankan secara telus dan adil, beliau sendiri akan "follow-up" perkembangan siasatan itu. Namum sekarang kita dimaklumkan perkara biasa yang seharusnya dikesan dan diuji dalam kes kematian (seperti yang kita tonton dalam drama) seperti cap jari tidak dikesan dan diuji !!!
PM Dato' Seri Najib harus dan wajib memberi penerangan yang sewajarnya serta meminta maaf buat pihak keluarga Teoh.
Apakah itu satu perkara yang teramat melucukan dana memalukan ??? Di mana erti Malaysia Boleh ??? Kerajaan Malaysia pemerintahan Umno-BN yang selalu menggelar diri mereka antara perintah negara yang terbaik yang menjadi contoh negera-negara membangun, sekarang diperakui oleh doctor forensik yang berkhidmat di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, yang makmal beliau tidak mempunyai kemudahan yang saya anggap adalah kemudahan asas.
Sementara itu, Dr. Khairul Azman juga dibidas kerana tidak mengikut prosedur sedia ada, tidak mengarahkan polis untuk menjalankan ujian pengesanan cap jari !!!
Di sana saya ingin menujukan 1 soalan kepada Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Umno-BN, Dato' Seri Najib Razak, di manakah janji yang beliau lafazkan sewaktu menemui keluarga Teoh Beng Hock. Beliau berjanji kepada keluarga Teoh yang beliau akan memastikan siasatan terhadap kematian Teoh akan dijalankan secara telus dan adil, beliau sendiri akan "follow-up" perkembangan siasatan itu. Namum sekarang kita dimaklumkan perkara biasa yang seharusnya dikesan dan diuji dalam kes kematian (seperti yang kita tonton dalam drama) seperti cap jari tidak dikesan dan diuji !!!
PM Dato' Seri Najib harus dan wajib memberi penerangan yang sewajarnya serta meminta maaf buat pihak keluarga Teoh.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ceramah Perdana Kedah !!!
Rakyat Kedah dijemput hadir di Kompleks PAS Kedah dekat Batu 9 pada 15 Ogos 2009 jam 7:00 hingga 12:00 malam.

Pakatan Rakyat
PRK Permatang Pasir : Program DSAI
16 OGOS 2009 (AHAD)
MASA : 9.00 – 12.00 MALAM
MASA : 9.00 – 12.00 MALAM
MASA : 9.00 – 12.00 MALAM
MASA : 9.00 – 12.00 MALAM
Bancian KDN tentang ISA dimanipulasi !!!
Setelah 2 minggu bancian ISA oleh KDN yang menyaksikan tuntutan majoriti rakyat mahukan akta zalim itu dimansuhkan, bancian itu kini dimanipulasi golongan tertentu dengan secara tiba-tiba dalam masa beberapa hari, kini keputusan bancian itu memperlihatkan 50% : 50%......
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari :
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila layari :
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Anda diminta nyatakan pendirian MANSUHKAN ISA !!!
Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) yang bertanggungjawab terhadap ISA kini mengajak anda untuk menyatakan pendirian anda terhadap ISA.
Antara bancian yang dibuat :
1) Pada pandangan anda, ISA adalah....
2) Apa yang anda mahu dari ISA.....
Setakat ini, hasil bancian itu memperlihatkan majoriti rakyat Malaysia mahukan akta yang teramat zalim itu dimansuhkan.

Saya ingin menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang ingin melihat negara tercinta yang bebas bersuara dan menghormati hak asasi manusia, nyatakan pendirian anda kepada kerajaan yang zalim Umno-BN agar dimansuhkan ISA !!!
Antara bancian yang dibuat :
1) Pada pandangan anda, ISA adalah....
2) Apa yang anda mahu dari ISA.....
Setakat ini, hasil bancian itu memperlihatkan majoriti rakyat Malaysia mahukan akta yang teramat zalim itu dimansuhkan.

Saya ingin menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang ingin melihat negara tercinta yang bebas bersuara dan menghormati hak asasi manusia, nyatakan pendirian anda kepada kerajaan yang zalim Umno-BN agar dimansuhkan ISA !!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Malaysia, Negara Polis ???
Seperti yang Saudara Zaid Ibrahim nyatakan dalam bukunya "Saya Pun Melayu", bahawa Malaysia mungkin akan menjadi seperti negara Zimbabwe jika kezaliman dan penindasan terhadap rakyat oleh Umno-BN berterusan.
Itu kemungkinan yang didakwa Saudara Zaid Ibrahim, dan saya juga setuju dengan kenyataannya itu. Namum sebelum Malaysia menjadi negara seperti Zimbabwe, Malaysia kini sudah menjadi Negara Polis seperti Myanmar !!!
Berikutan episod demi episod yang menyaksikan penyalahgunaan-kuasa oleh Umno-BN khususnya sejak 08 March 2009, ternyata hakikatnya bahawa Malaysia telahpun menjadi negara polis seperti Myanmar.
3) Polis diarah untuk menahan Raja Kamaruddin Petra (RKP), Exco Eksekutive Selangor Teresa Kok serta wartawan Harian Sin Chew Tan Hoo Cheng atas alasan yang tidak masuk akal.
4) Polis di seluruh Malaysia diarah untuk menyekat rakyat dari menyertai pelbagai perhimpunan di seluruh negara termasuk Perhimpunan Hindraf, Perhimpunan BERSIH, perhimpunan Protes kematian Kugan dan Teoh Beng Hock dan yang terkini Perhimpunan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI).

Dari tindakan-tindakan pasukan Polis yang serba keras dan zalim sewaktu membuat sekatan dan tangkapan, jelas kelihatan polis merupakan "gengster berlesen" yang diupah Umno-BN bagi membuli rakyat Malaysia yang lemah !!!
Walaupun negara seakan-akan berdemokrasi yang diperintah Umno-BN, namum hakikatnya kekuatan polis yang dijadikan senjata dan strategi bagi Umno-BN terus kebal memerintah Malaysia !!!

Itu kemungkinan yang didakwa Saudara Zaid Ibrahim, dan saya juga setuju dengan kenyataannya itu. Namum sebelum Malaysia menjadi negara seperti Zimbabwe, Malaysia kini sudah menjadi Negara Polis seperti Myanmar !!!

Berikutan episod demi episod yang menyaksikan penyalahgunaan-kuasa oleh Umno-BN khususnya sejak 08 March 2009, ternyata hakikatnya bahawa Malaysia telahpun menjadi negara polis seperti Myanmar.

4) Polis di seluruh Malaysia diarah untuk menyekat rakyat dari menyertai pelbagai perhimpunan di seluruh negara termasuk Perhimpunan Hindraf, Perhimpunan BERSIH, perhimpunan Protes kematian Kugan dan Teoh Beng Hock dan yang terkini Perhimpunan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI).

Dari tindakan-tindakan pasukan Polis yang serba keras dan zalim sewaktu membuat sekatan dan tangkapan, jelas kelihatan polis merupakan "gengster berlesen" yang diupah Umno-BN bagi membuli rakyat Malaysia yang lemah !!!
Walaupun negara seakan-akan berdemokrasi yang diperintah Umno-BN, namum hakikatnya kekuatan polis yang dijadikan senjata dan strategi bagi Umno-BN terus kebal memerintah Malaysia !!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Jom sertai Protes Mansuhkan ISA pada 01 Ogos 2009 !!!

Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA akan menganjurkan perhimpunan besar-besaran pada 01 Ogos 2009 di 3 lokasi di Kuala Lumpur sebelum berarak ke Istana Negara.
Sekiranya kita ingin melihat kezaliman tidak wujud di Malaysia, rakyat mempunyai hak untuk bersuara, adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk berjuang habis-habisan bagi menuntut agar dikembalikan hak kebebasan bersuara rakyat !
Ingatlah, nothing comes easy ! No pain No gain ! Demi anak-anak serta masa depan negara tercinta Malaysia, sertailah perhimpunan bagi mendesak agar ISA dimansuhkan !
Turut hadir perhimpunan GMI ini, pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi Pakatan Rakyat; Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Dato' Seri Hadi Awang, Tok Guru Nk Aziz, YB Lim Kit Siang dan semua barisan pimpinan !
Marilah kita berjuang habis-habisan bagi mendesak Umno-BN untuk memansuhkan akta yang teramat zalim ini !!!
Jangan lupa, masa depan Malaysia terletak di atas tangan kita !!!
Ketiga-tiga lokasi itu adalah di Pusat Beli-Belah Sogo, KL Central dan Masjid Jamek.
Rujuk peta di bawah untuk lokasi perhimpunan.

Friday, July 31, 2009
TERKINI : Pilihanraya Kecil Lagi di Pulau Pinang !!!
Manusia yang merancang, TUHAN yang menentukan !!!
Setelah lebih 100 hari mengambil-alih tampuk pimpinan negara, Najib kini berdepan dengan satu lagi PRK !
Sebelum ini Najib berdepan dengan kekalahan tipis di Manek Urai, yang dikatakan "kemenangan semangat" Umno-BN sebenarnya tidak dapat menunjukkan kehebatan Najib. Ini disebabkan lawan sebenar Najib bukannya Tok Guru Nik Aziz atau PAS.
Lawan sebenar Najib yang mana telah menggugat kedudukan Umno-BN sejak akhir ini iaitu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Walaupun cuma dielakkan oleh Umno-BN untuk terlibat dalam PRK, namum Tuhan telah menentukan bahawa Najib perlu dan akan berdepan dengan satu lagi kegagalan.

Kini dengan kembalinya ADUN Pakatan Rakyat dari PAS bagi DUN Permatang Pasir, Pulau Pinang, Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan Abd.Rahman kerahmatullah di IJN KL pagi ini; memperlihatkan satu pertaruhan yang unik. Walaupun DUN ini diwakili calon PAS, namum ia berada di dalam kawasan Parlimen DSAI, Permatang Pauh.
Menurut sumber yang diperolehi berhubung kematian Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan,pengesahan telah diperolehi dari saudara terdekat almarhum dan Bendahari PAS Pusat, Dr. Hatta Ramli. Malumat itu juga telah mengesahkan bahawa sehingga berita ini diterbitkan, jenazah masih berada di IJN Kuala Lumpur.
Semuga rohnya disemadikan ditempat yang terpuji...Al Fatihah..
Setelah lebih 100 hari mengambil-alih tampuk pimpinan negara, Najib kini berdepan dengan satu lagi PRK !
Sebelum ini Najib berdepan dengan kekalahan tipis di Manek Urai, yang dikatakan "kemenangan semangat" Umno-BN sebenarnya tidak dapat menunjukkan kehebatan Najib. Ini disebabkan lawan sebenar Najib bukannya Tok Guru Nik Aziz atau PAS.
Lawan sebenar Najib yang mana telah menggugat kedudukan Umno-BN sejak akhir ini iaitu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Walaupun cuma dielakkan oleh Umno-BN untuk terlibat dalam PRK, namum Tuhan telah menentukan bahawa Najib perlu dan akan berdepan dengan satu lagi kegagalan.

Kini dengan kembalinya ADUN Pakatan Rakyat dari PAS bagi DUN Permatang Pasir, Pulau Pinang, Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan Abd.Rahman kerahmatullah di IJN KL pagi ini; memperlihatkan satu pertaruhan yang unik. Walaupun DUN ini diwakili calon PAS, namum ia berada di dalam kawasan Parlimen DSAI, Permatang Pauh.
Menurut sumber yang diperolehi berhubung kematian Dato' Hj. Mohd. Hamdan,pengesahan telah diperolehi dari saudara terdekat almarhum dan Bendahari PAS Pusat, Dr. Hatta Ramli. Malumat itu juga telah mengesahkan bahawa sehingga berita ini diterbitkan, jenazah masih berada di IJN Kuala Lumpur.
Semuga rohnya disemadikan ditempat yang terpuji...Al Fatihah..
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